Crisis on having short hair.


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Jan 23, 2014

Eva T.

How can I make my hair grow?

Jan 23, 2014

Arrabel S.

Try getting treatments and getting hair growth shampoo and conditioner. Also drink lots of water and get trims every couple of mouths if you can and try not to use heat on your hair and using really hot water to wash your hair is like using a straightener on it.

Jan 23, 2014

Kiyomi K.

Actually getting trims every couple of months will not help your hair grow at all. All it does is make your hair shorter. Don't get me wrong though, you should definitely get trims once in a while to keep your hair healthy. Learned that trick from Kitty so you can trust me on that one ;)

An amazing hair treatment that you can do yourself for cheap is to mix argan oil and castor oil(about a tsp. of each. Next, put some on your finger tips and massage it into your hair! Do this every single night, and I guarantee you that you will see results in I believe 2-3months. I think it's less not 100% sure though :?

Jan 23, 2014

Arrabel S.

Thank for correcting me :)

Jan 24, 2014

Kiyomi K.

Np Arrabel ;) I would have said the same thing if Kitty hadn't posted the truth about it ;)

Jan 24, 2014

Eva T.

Thanks (: helped a lot you two.