Dryness please help!


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Jan 22, 2014

Diana C.

I've been moisturizing my nose morning and night after washing my face also morning and night. And when I apply foundayion, my nose always is soo dry that it looks flakey. How can I stop that? I use Cetaphyl moisturizer.

Jan 22, 2014

Hannah K.

My suggestion would be to use a lip balm. I like Nivea lip butters. Basically lip balms are just really gentle, really concentrated moisturizers.

Jan 22, 2014

Hannah K.

Oh, and apply a little bit the same way you would a moisturizer.

Try a shea butter or something heavier than a moisturizer... and try and stick with a night routine rather than a morning routine... when you wake up and wash your face you are remove all the moisture you added the night before. Try just a warm wash cloth and blot your face - will still keep you refreshed but won't take away from the moisture! Hope this helps!

Jan 23, 2014

Caitlin M.

I've been having an issue with dry, flaky skin lately as well, because of my acne medication. I've been using maracuja oil (I use the one from Tarte but as long as its cold pressed and organic you could use any brand. I just like Tarte's better because the size is generous and I use it enough that its worth the price to me) after my retin-a cream and it helps so much. The corners of my nose were so dry and it really made a difference.