Coloring already dyed hair?


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Feb 7, 2014

Nicole S.

I recent got highlights. I previously has bleach in my hair so those parts of my hair took the highlight color very well. The rest of my hair is dark brown so the color of the highlights is a little more darker. I'm wondering if I continue to touch up my highlights, will they lighten over time?
Like eventually become the color that's on the bleached parts of my hair?

Feb 7, 2014

Rebecca S.

Perhaps in the sun, however you can try a toner if you want to even the color of all the highlights.

Feb 7, 2014

Phylicia V.

I had the same problem and I used a purple shampoo that you can purchase at sally and gradually it lighten my highlights.

Feb 8, 2014

Nicole S.

Thanks ladies.

Does toner/purple shampoo work even though the highlights aren't bleach? It's just Carmel color dye.

Feb 10, 2014

Phylicia V.

I'm not sure about the toner but the purple shampoo is designed to remove yellow out of the blonde hair and also brassiness.