Lipstick color help


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Jan 26, 2014

Yve G.

I'm more of netural color eyeshadows maybe purple sometimes.and I don't wear lipstick but have been wanting to try color just not sure what would suit my skin tone. I don't want anything dramatic right away. I've tried Revlons Creme Brulee its more of a nude. Please add pics or swatches of colors that you think may suit me thanks.

Michele S.

Jan 26, 2014

Michele S.

Pinks would look nice with your skin tone since you don't want to go to bold yet. I can't help with swatches I'm not a pink person. =)

Jan 26, 2014

Jelissa M.

I don't have any swatches so you would just have to take my word but maybe MAC's snob- lite pink
Honeylove- nude
Ruby woo-bold red but loves amazing on everyone hope this helps

Jan 26, 2014

Kelly M.

Mac snob. Is my ultimate favorite.

Jan 26, 2014

Yve G.

Thank you ladies will try the pinks soon

Jan 27, 2014

Juliana S.

If you go bold on eye makeup use a nude but if your light on the eyes use bold red