I need your advice.


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Jan 26, 2014

ramie x.

So my I have the opportunity to apply to a cosmetology program. It's open to 11th and 12th graders and next year I'll be in 11th grade. It also gives 3 high school credits (most classes only give one) and I don't know if I should apply because I really like beauty related things but I don't want to be made fun of for doing it since people don't find that a serious profession in my school, through that program when I am in 12th grade I can test to get a license. What should I do? Should I apply the deadline is in a few weeks!

Jan 26, 2014

Mikayla B.

Yes do it!! don't care about what other people think. you don't want them to ruin your dreams just because of what think! definitely do it, I wish I had thay opportunity.

Jan 26, 2014

Hannah J.

Don't let what others think get you. it's your life, not theirs and you should live it exactly how you please. if that's what you like and what you want to do, go for it and don't look back! good luck! :)

Jan 26, 2014

Ember F.

I am in a votech cosmetology program and yes you will be made fun of, other people at the votech school won't take your class seriously until they want a haircut. As well as the fact that it is a bunch of girls grouped together so there will be drama and you will hate certain people. People will steal,cheat and lie but in the end my class is like family and I wouldn't be the same without tees girls in my life. Plus to those who make fun of you, you will have you license and be worth money once you leave high school while they won't.

Jan 26, 2014

Mikayla B.

Embers right. high school doesn't even matter when you graduate.

Jan 26, 2014

ramie x.

Thanks girls, you made me feel a lot better about it, a lot of people don't apply so I'll probably get in lol.
Hey ember how much does the class teach you? What do you feel about it like what are you currently learning? Just curious...

Jan 26, 2014

Ember F.

I'm currently on razor cutting. I feel like I'm learning a lot honestly it's a really difficult program and a lot of girls drop out but if you like what you are learning than you will stay in. Just so you know there is book work in my program at least and we do anywhere from 50-300 questions per chapter. We started off with perm wraps which are a pain but you get used the them after a while. Just don't expect to go into a program like this without having to do work. In my program half the girls fail out or drop out in their first year because they don't do book work. Another thing is that it is not Barbie beauty shop there your teachers expect you to work all the time even if you don't have supplies there is always something you can do. Sorry if none of this makes sense but it is a fun thing to do. Plus by your first year you have enough hours to become a stylists assistant which is basically a little Cinderella for any working cosmetologist. You clean, shampoo, and help mix product as well as retail sales.

Jan 26, 2014

Hannah P.

Others may laugh but as long as people keep growing hair they will keep needing haircuts so you will never be out of a job. However don't make light of where you study. In the UK you can get hairdressing courses and apprenticeships up and and down the country but if you want to be a big success you study in the west end of London. If you study there even if you learn the exact same as anywhere else you are accepted for jobs much more readily it just has this air of pedigree that comes with it. So make sure you study in the right place because it could affect how well you do.

Jan 27, 2014

Audrey M.
