Help rash behind my ears!


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Jan 24, 2014

Nicola D.

So the last few days I have felt lots of little bumps behind my ears an they have been very red. I had used a new shampoo so I thought it may be that but I haven't used it for 4/5 days now and the bumps/rash is spreading around the back of my hairline and ears. I am on vacation in the uk seeing family as I used to live here so now I'm starting to think is it the water here? Could my skin be reacting to the different water? I it helps to tell what it is I have come out in almost acne across my chest and back as well which never happens to me. (I have also changed body wash so don't think it is that) here is a picture of my ears you can't see the bumps but this is the redness.

Jan 24, 2014

Nicola D.

Here it is

Jan 24, 2014

Hannah K.

Have you tried hydrocortisone or cortisone cream? They're anti inflammatory, anti rash creams that could help. Barring that, I'd go to a doctor if it worsens or doesn't get better.

Jan 24, 2014

Nicola D.

Thanks will give it a go!

Jan 25, 2014

Rylee K.

I had that a year ago. The skin back there is just dry. I didn't put any lotion on it. It went away in 2 weeks. Just don't mess with it.