Breakouts From Moisturiser?


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Feb 11, 2014

Flores T.

I wasn't wearing any make-up, but wanted to protect my skin against cold wind with moisturiser since it's winter here. But my skin got terrible afterwards, it's the second time I break out after using moisturiser. Is that even possible?
I've been using the same moisturiser (nivea) for years..

Feb 11, 2014

Bry R.

Well skin changes especially as we age so try looking into a new moisturizer?

Feb 11, 2014

Hillary O.

Clean and Clear makes a moisturizer with salacytic acid in it to help with acne, you might try that for your case. And yeah moisturizers do tend to clog pores but the overall benefits of it out ways that

Feb 11, 2014

Bella L.

Maybe try a new moisturizer for sensitive or acne prone skin, skin changes changes through time so it might not be the mostyrizer it could of also been something you eat

Feb 11, 2014

Flores T.

Oke that's so annoying, but I'll try it, thank you Bryanna.

Feb 11, 2014

Flores T.

@ bella, but how can I know that?

Feb 11, 2014

Flores T.

@Hillary indeed I do want to use moisturiser, but if it clogs my pores I'll definetely stop using it... :s.

Feb 11, 2014

Bella L.

Oh well to know if its something you ate try thinking if you have recently been eating a different food if you catch one then try not to eat that food product and see what happens

Feb 11, 2014

Bella L.

To help prevent the acne always make sure to wash your face in the morning and at night and change your pillow case often my favorite face wash is spectro gel its very good for sensitive dry acne prone skin its very gentle and soothing and doesn't have any harsh products like salacytic acid

Feb 11, 2014

Flores T.

@ bella Thanks for the tips I'll look into the spectro gel as well.

Feb 11, 2014

Bella L.

Glad I could help Flores and I hope everything goes well :D

Feb 12, 2014

Devon D.

Could be too heavy for your skin, try using an oil-free light weight moisturiser instead.

Feb 15, 2014

Audra B.

Try to get a water based moisturiser like eucerin and on the dryer areas of your face you can use a little drop of argon oil to help balance your skin. your skin sounds sensitive so make sure you are using very mild products and keep hands off your face and pillowcases clean to prevent bacteria from causing flare ups. try and limit exposure to the wind and cold by using a scarf to help protect skin too.