Getting Free Samples?


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Feb 5, 2014

Mackenzi B.

So I was wondering where to get samples (the free kind preferably). I always read online about free samples but don't know how people get them. Any ideas?

Feb 6, 2014

Kyraa D.

Sephora gives out free samples for most of it's products. you just have to go in & ask.

Feb 6, 2014

Kitty K.

You can go up to counters and ask. ( At least thats what I do in Macy's)
Usually a lot of bands have LOADDDDDDDS to give out, so it shouldnt be a problem.

Feb 6, 2014

Mackenzi B.

Thanks! So it's not out of the norm or anything to ask to try something incase I didnt want to invest in something I wasn't sure if like?

Feb 6, 2014

Caitlin M.

No it's completely normal to ask for samples! Usually if you're looking at something the associate will offer to give or make you a sample. You just have to let them know you'd like some :) you can get them online as well but usually only when you place an order and I know with Sephora they limit it at 3 online but in store you should be able to get more.