Hair Color Remover


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Feb 6, 2014

Marybeth M.

My natrual hair color is black

I have brown reddish hair right now from dying it a lot but I was wondering

if I use color remover on my hair will it go back to black?

and if I use hair dye to color my hair brown will it be more effective now that I'd remove the unwanted color?

I don't know how that works

Feb 6, 2014

Leamsy R.

Going from black to brown involves lightening so no, it won't go back to black. There's a possibility that you'd be able to go over the color you have now to the color you want without any problems. Using a color remover will ensure that there isn't much red tones peeping through when you redye

Feb 6, 2014

Leamsy R.

If you decide to use a color remover I suggest you go with color oops or something without bleach in it :)

Feb 6, 2014

Marybeth M.

I wanna be able to color my hair like this color.

Feb 6, 2014

Marybeth M.

I plan to use the HICOLOR LOREAL EXCELLENCE cool light brown color.