HiColor Excellence Cool Light Brown.


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Feb 6, 2014

Marybeth M.

Will it work on my black hair?

the exact color?
and do I go through my ends first then the roots? I don't want the top being lighter then the bottom

I've seen that happento others before its ugly.

Feb 6, 2014

Dorothea S.

If you havent dyed your hair then you shouldn't have a problem with the dye since its formulated for people with dark hair. I'd definitely advise you starting at the bottom of your hair and working your way up to your roots. your roots are fresh virgin hair and theyll pick up the color a lot faster in comparison to how fast the ends of your hair will pick up. :)

Feb 6, 2014

Myra M.

Since you have black I think it will turn out to be dark brown.

Feb 6, 2014

Myra M.

Btw that's like the same color as my hair aha.

Feb 6, 2014

Elaine L.

It's going to take a while to get black to that color, your not going to achieve it the first time. your hair will probably just look a little lighter

Feb 6, 2014

Marybeth M.

I have used hicolor in red with my black hair n it showed up pretty good.

Feb 6, 2014

Marybeth M.

Mayra what did color dye you used?

Feb 6, 2014

Marybeth M.

thanks guys!! :)

Feb 6, 2014

Marybeth M.

Your right mayra its like your hair I want mines to be a little darker then yours maybe ashy brown dark.

Feb 6, 2014

Gen S.

Apply to your mid shaft first. After you've done it to all of your hair, apply it to your ends, then your roots, the roots should be last if your roots are virgin.

Feb 6, 2014

Marybeth M.

So lets say if I bleached my hair what kind of color dye would get me to a brownish.