How to get rid of acen.


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Feb 5, 2014

Sweet B.

How to get rid of acne.

Feb 5, 2014

Caitlin M.

For me it took going to a dermatologist. I wouldn't go for years because I was convinced that I could beat it myself if I just found the right products. But that doesn't work for everyone. Acne is very complex and stubborn and we don't even understand it completely yet. I definitely recommend going to a dermatologist if you can afford it though. It will probably save you money in the long run. I have probably thrown away thousands of dollars on products of all kinds that I hoped would help and I wish I hadn't been so stubborn and had gone a lot sooner. I'm finally seeing results and my skin is mostly clear now which hasn't happened since I was about 11 years old, and I'm 21 now. It was definitely worth it to me.

Caitlin did you get a topical medication? Anti biotics? I went to a derm and I feel like I didn't get a great consultation. She wanted me to go on anti biotics which did work but I was having other side effects from it that really bothered me. I also got worse acne when I went off. I guess what I'm trying to say is get a few different opinions before you settle on a plan.

Feb 5, 2014

Annmarie K.

A good skin regime, and depending on severity a possible trip to dermatologist.

Feb 5, 2014

Emily M.

Patience lol. Find a skin care regimen and stick to it. Find a cleanser, toner and moisturizer that works for your skin type and don't change it or swap products. It can take some products up to 3-4 weeks to show a difference. When you add or swap or use too many different skin care products, the change can irritate and may cause breakouts.
Drink lots of water!
Keep your makeup tools clean (wash once a week)
Always wash your hands before applying makeup or skin care products
Don't pick at your face. Keep your hands off your face.
Wash your pillow cases often.
Pull your hair back at night
Never ever sleep with makeup on.
Read product reviews before buying.
I work in healthcare, I've been to a dermatologist, the dr didn't feel like I needed to be put on meds but instead focus on my hygiene. And for me, it worked. I know everyone is different, but I hope this helps :)

Feb 6, 2014

Caitlin M.

Sara, yes I am on both antibiotic capsules and a topical antibiotic gel as well as a retinol cream. It has done wonders for me personally, although I am worried about when I stop taking the antibiotics, I mean I don't want to take them forever but I also don't want to have my acne come back full force. But I suppose I'll deal with that when I come to it lol. But I haven't had too many side effects. The hardest part was when I first started taking the pills because I have to take them with food or my stomach will get upset. When I first started taking them I sometimes wouldn't eat quite enough and I would get sick. It would pass but it was frustrating at first. I also had drying from the topicals but that has since evened out as well. I'm very impressed because I didn't think anything could help me, I'd struggled for years and I guess I was feeling hopeless and bitter or something lol.

You should definitely weigh all the options though. I feel like I got lucky because my derm seems to have really given me some medications my skin is responding to. I'm only going to be starting my second month of antibiotics in a couple days though. I'm not sure yet where we're going from there but I'm already happy with my results :)

Feb 6, 2014

Caitlin M.

Emily also makes really good points, hygiene is very important. If you're using dirty brushes or touching your face a lot with unwashed hands or sleeping with makeup on your skin is going to be a breeding ground for bacteria and clogged pores. So sometimes taking more care with hygiene can have a HUGE impact on the skin and how much or how little acne a person has. But for some, like me, it won't matter how clean your face is unfortunately. I always take my makeup off, deep clean with the Clarisonic and wash my hands before touching my face and wash my makeup brushes weekly and I still always had acne. But for others all those things can make a dramatic difference.

Feb 8, 2014

Meg D.

I'd say other than good skin regimen you ahould also consider facials. Cos they get rid of the dirt stuck in your pores so your products absorb better.