The Idea That "Oil Combats Oil" And "You Breakout Before Your Treatment Starts To Work"


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Feb 5, 2014

Hannah S.

Hey ladies. so I've been trying very very hard to get my skin clear. I wash my face each night and each morning. I'm using high end facial products- purity cleanser, dermadoctor ain't missbehavin, and murad skin perfecting lotion. spent a ton of money on it and still!! my skin just won't stop. while its not as BAD as still won't stop producing zits.

I am now getting these annoying little red bumps full of oil. they're really oily bumps and they don't dry out.

I feel like this happens whenever I use a moisturizer no matter what kind it is. I was told that moisturizing will help your skin even out and not stay too dry or too oily. if I don't use moisturizer then my skin peels and cracks. so what am I supposed to do? UGH. any advice?? hopefully this novel made sense! *the picture shows three new ones on my greasy forehead*

Feb 5, 2014

Hannah K.

Okay well yes, if you're using a moisturizer it will combat dryness and oiliness (and it sounds like if you don't do it, your skin is dry). What I suggest is an oil free moisturizer (I'm not entirely clear on the contents of the Murad one), and the most important thing is not to be discouraged if you don't get instant results. Usually you have to stick with a routine for a while before it really starts working for you. I'd recommend you ask Traci L, and see if she has better advice for you than I do :)

Feb 5, 2014

Brandy S.

You should really consider investing in a clarisonic. The products you mentioned are good ones, but I think maybe they might be a little harsh for your skin. Check into the body shop's tea tree cleanser, and for your problems with oil/dryness, you should try a night serum. I use bare minerals night repair and I really like it. A good, natural moisturizer is also a must!! You could look into the company "lush" for those. They are nourishing and very healthy for the skin :) good luck!!

Feb 5, 2014

Sapphire K.

Try using a system. Like all clean n clear all clearasil. I'm using the acne free system and it's awesome.

Feb 5, 2014

Hannah S.

Thanks Hannah! I plan on it...just haaaate waking up to three gross oil wells haha. and brandy I want one but when I talked to an esthetician she said I shouldn't use one...weird?

Feb 5, 2014

Mickie S.

I was told not to use the clarisonic too bcuz I have broken capillaries & they said could make them worse. Why did they tell you not to use it Hannah.

Feb 5, 2014

Jennifer S.

Maybe try not doing anything, don't wear makeup, lotion anything and just rinse your face with warm water.

Feb 5, 2014

Jennifer M.

Part of my problem was too much product. I threw the kitchen sick at my face. Eventually I figured out less is more. I now use alcohol free toner, soap that does not have SLS in it, and argan oil as my moisturizer.
Sometimes the bumps and dryness is a sign of sensitivity to product, not acne. Especially if it looks different now

Feb 5, 2014

Brandy S.

I have really sensitive skin, with rosacea in my cheeks and I use the sensitive brush head on the lowest setting and it works fine for me :)

Feb 5, 2014

Caitlin M.

I would recommend a serum by Andalou. It's their pore perfecting serum. I'm on prescription medication for my acne now (mine is mostly genetic) but before I went I was using it and it helped a lot, surprisingly. I'd also recommend the Clear Improvements Charcoal mask from Origins. It helps clear out your pores so there's nothing trapped there to cause acne. Only use it once or twice a week though, it can be drying if used too much. For moisturizer I'd recommend something like CeraVe or some other non-active moisturizer. Something that will hydrate but not be greasy. I also really like Pacifica's Dreamy Youth moisturizer. It's lightweight but helps keep my skin hydrated now that I'm using a retinol cream.

As far as the oil combating oil thing, yes it CAN help. If your skin is producing all kinds oil it could be dehydrated. Usually when the skin makes oil it's trying to hydrate itself but the oil it's producing is sort of "negative" moisture. As with all stuff with skincare, everyone's skin will respond differently. So while it may help someone else it might not help you. But you can definitely give it a try if you would like. I use Maracuja oil (from Tarte) and before I got on the prescription medicine and before I got a Clarisonic I saw a difference with it. Seeing as my acne is genetic it didn't cure it but I think it did help. The Clarisonic helped make it much more manageable as well. Any acne I had became much more manageable and cleared up faster. The Clarisonic can be a little harsh if you have very dry or very sensitive skin, but if you have skin that's on the oilier side I see no reason why you couldn't try it out if you want to make the investment. It can really help, but usually it isn't a cure all because acne is pretty complex. My advice if you are considering it is to just make sure you get a brush head that works for your skin. I use the sensitive skin brush and its fine for me, the acne brush was TOO soft and I didn't see the same results, but the sensitive brush could be too harsh for someone else's skin. It's all subjective unfortunately lol.

As far as skin getting worse before it gets better, I've definitely experienced that recently with my acne medications. I wouldn't say it was the worst it had ever been - that was before I went to the dermatologist and what prompted me to go - but my skin was definitely not good and it took a while. I've been using the medication for about 23 days now and am just now starting to have almost completely clear skin.

Feb 5, 2014

Sadiya R.

It's not so bad mine was worst, I tried so many things and this worked for me: wash your face twice a day with avene cleanance gel (use only your fingers) my doctor told me not to wear moisturizer but if you REALLY need it try an oil-free. Try using twice a week a facial mask with oat flour, honey and sugar-free natural yoghurt if you want you can add some drops of lemon juice, apply it on your face, leave it for 15 minutes and rinse, your skin will feel great! Finally I used tretinoina which is a gel that dries pimples and renews skin (ask a doctor first because it's strong) but you will peel off like a snake!! :) it was worth it my face looks much better now

Feb 5, 2014

Raylene I.

I had bad acne and I did I tried everything! And it just kept getting worse. Now I don't use anything special, I use my makeup wipes to clean my face at night and lukewarm water and hands in the am, I only moisturize once a day (before bed) with just a regular lotion nothing special and do a moisture renewal mask once every 10 days. My skin still have pimples but it's seriousely soooo much better than it was. Less is more sometimes (and to think it was my husband who suggested it lol)

Feb 5, 2014

Tyree D.

I think if you're having a problem after a long time, you might want to try looking at what you're putting in your body, as opposed to what you're putting on it. You may be consuming something that you have an intolerance to. A lot of times, this sort of thing manifests it through skin. Do some research online, and see what you find. Things like dairy and wheat are common offenders. It's possible you may need to cut your sugar intake a bit as well. I hope it clears up soon, though! That's super frustrating. Good luck, girl! Xo--

Feb 5, 2014

Mary T.

Are you using toner? Without toner and clarisonic my face breaks out. The do nothing or less approach makes me have a ton of zits. You do have to be careful with the clarisonic. You just gently massage and don't press into skin. And if you have any broken capillaries you kinda just avoid that area. Also if you use retinol you have to reduce use and use the sensitive brush. Retinol helps with zits too. Also look into apha hydroxy acids if the oil is getting trapped into lil bubbles. There's several things to try girl!! My skin is like yours, I always have to make an effort. Your face will get used to moisturizer. Try putting it on while your face is still kinda damp so you can use less and spread thinner til you get used to it. Blah blah blah. Good luck!!

Feb 5, 2014

Mary T.

I hardly ever get zits now unless I quit my regime.

Feb 5, 2014

Traci L.

You have to know your own skin there is no miracle cure you can go to a derm or a esthetician which I am and still have non stop breakouts no one is a better judge of what's going on with your skin than you, are you missing things from your skin care routine ,are you on product overload and using to much,your skin needs certain things to be healthy proper cleansing,exfoliating,feed with antioxidants and peptides ,hydrating ,all skin types need this,and protection,from the sun ,ance can be genetic but your not a slave to your genes Investigate and see when you break out is it after a certain product,is it after stress,is it a day after you exfoliate,after you eat dairy,its not easy to find what works for you but it can be done ,try retinol ,try a oil free moisturizer if you feel yours is to heavy ,try one new product at a time and give each atleast three weeks to see if it works if you start using to many things at once you won't no what works and what doesn't,and so your not throwing money down the toilet buying things that may not work get just one new thing and give it a chance first before moving on to the next

Feb 5, 2014

Veronica M.

You already spent so much money and now some people are suggesting you to buy more stuff and spend more money. You should just go see a professional.

Feb 5, 2014

Hope P.


Feb 5, 2014

Anney A.

Vitamin E and C serum. My go to.

Feb 5, 2014

Kait C.

Try using all Murad products, ik its expensive kinda but they do work! You can find them in sephora

Feb 5, 2014

Emily M.

Everyone's skin is different. I know this is hard (at least for me lol) but ignore product hype. Purity face wash made me break out, very bad. Along with ALL 3 of the glam glow masks- cystic acne, every time, ugh. Yet these are all best selling products that "everyone" loves. You have to find what works for YOUR skin. Not everyone else.

Feb 6, 2014

Kim C.

I had a really oily t-zone and dry patches everywhere, until I started using cliniques 3 step system. It's worked for me and I rarely get spots. Although depending on the time of year will depend on which moisturiser I use too. Sometimes however much you prepare your skin, spots are inevitable due to stress, time of the month and other random things in life x

I have seen people who start a product get 'acne' but it was really irritant dermatitis and the things they threw at it to 'fight the acne' was inflammatory and making it worse.