Need Tips... Breaking Out.


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Jan 29, 2014

Jasmine F.

Can you please give me tips I've been breaking out...://

Jan 29, 2014

Hannah K.

Why are you breaking out? Is it hormonal? Did you change something in your diet? Did you change a skincare or foundation product?

Jan 29, 2014

Jasmine F.

I'm not sure I haven't changed anything some foundation, diet, and skin care... I'm guessing its hormonal...

Jan 29, 2014

Mackenzie B.

Make sure your drinking lots of water and not stressing too much.

Jan 29, 2014

Hannah K.

Try a tea tree mask, like the Body Shop's, or a spot treatment like Burt's Bees salicylic acid spot treatment. Is the acne everywhere, or is it just a blemish?

Jan 30, 2014

Alyssa S.

Well if you aren't using an oil free foundation switch to one that is oil free I had to do that and it helped a lot. And alcohol free stridex pads to clean your skin.