Kindergarten.. Wants to wear makeup.


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I tired this when I was 6 also. I told my mum that all the kids were wearing makeup lol. No child wore makeup in my primary school but I tired so hard to convince her they did lol.

Jan 31, 2014

Kelly H.

You know when they are little they aren't trying to be teenagers or anything else, don't over complicate it, they are just little kids playing. I didn't wear any makeup until my eighth grade graduation dance, then literally less then a handful of times till my late twenties. I had reservations about my own daughter playing with makeup, but I'm not going to change who she is, I was a geeky intellectual tomboy athlete who had no interest in makeup, but that is who I was. Rather then teaching little girls that makeup is an "attempt to be someone else or grow up to fast" we can leave those concepts behind, we teach them those concepts when we tell them that, before we influence them with negative comments about applying/using makeup it is just another form of imagination play for them. My little girl is a girly girl diva and I love her the way she is.

Jan 31, 2014

Kelly H.

I guess what I'm saying is if your kid wanted to pretend to be a doctor every day you would see that as a possible future passion and encourage it. Maybe done of this little girls who love makeup will grow up to be great MUA's, dermatologists, fashion designers, etc... Just food for thought.

Jan 31, 2014

Kelly H.

*some of these

Michele S.

Jan 31, 2014

Michele S.

Wonderful comments ty

Jan 31, 2014

Tonita C.

I'm going to say no. Lip gloss and nail polish is acceptable, but anything else is not, IMO. Dress-up at home is fine, but I draw the line there. No need to rush childhood and I think that's a lil' too grown lol.

Jan 31, 2014

Nina S.

Yes, Kelly, totally understand what you're saying! I love that my 5yr old loves makeup and fashion. she is soooooooo in love with watching me and asks to watch tutorials on youtube with me! she has a very unique and artsy personality and I encourage her to be herself. One day, when she's old enough, the makeup could take off and be a passion! the lip gloss at school I will allow, for now. well...for a long while lol. I totally like what you said, Kelly..that it could be a 'calling' for something greater :)
this pic shows how she dresses herself lol

Jan 31, 2014

Adrianna E.

Same as Alyx...I had play plastic make up when I was little and I loved it! My mom would buy me chapsticks (lip smakers (I think is what they're called))...they go on a pretty much clear...I have a cousin my age who's mom was very strict with it and wouldn't let her wear even chapsticks or lotion with glitter (old kid's bath and body works line) now she's about to be 23 and doesn't wear make up. I took her to ulta with me and she practically had a panic attack in there and we had to leave. she says she doesn't think that "stuff" goes with her...she has self esteem problems now. not saying that will happen to all kids because it obviously won't, but it's just something I'll keep in mind if I ever have a daughter.

Jan 31, 2014

Kelly H.

It was just food for thought, I only let my girl wear pretend blush and colored lip balm in the morning. The lip balm doesn't even last till she gets to school and it is fun for her.

Jan 31, 2014

Vanessa A.

My 2 year old rubbed a whole tube of Chapstick on her face last night because she want pretty "foo foo" like mommy. It's so cute how they want to imitate us. :)

Jan 31, 2014

Kay C.

I understand everything everyone is saying but makeup is for when you get older so when lil girls want to wear makeup is because they want to act older it (like be like mommy or someone on TV) should be like the good ol days plastic makeup not real. I do not teach my daughter that wearing make up will make you fast (that's my own personal thought) I tell her its for grown ups I do not put negative thoughts about makeup at all as she can still paint her nails do her hair and pretend make up and still be a fashion lil daughter feels great with chap stick and nails and hair done : )

Jan 31, 2014

Vanessa A.

I also saw this on Pinterest & tried it. She thinks she is hot stuff with this in her little purse. You just clean out your empty containers & add nail polish

Jan 31, 2014

Kay C.

Vanessa awesome!! cause it gets hard when dry right making it seem real...? but its really kinda like plastic? I think I seen something like that great idea.

Jan 31, 2014

Lauren G.

I gave my 6 year old lip gloss and shimmer powder for Christmas and she used them up in a few days. Other than that, I just reminded her that she's perfect the way she is. But she loves painting her nails, with Mama's help. ;)

Jan 31, 2014

Kay C.

Great advice...they are perfect the way they are :)

Jan 31, 2014

Nina S.

yes, they are!

Michele S.

Jan 31, 2014

Michele S.

I love that idea Vanessa

Jan 31, 2014

Heather I.

Love that idea Vanessa. My niece would live that.

Feb 1, 2014

Vanessa A.

@Kay yes, it dries hard so, no worry about it smearing off. I suppose it could chip off after awhile.

I tried to use my most bright glittery polish because she is so girly. :)