Accutane Wounded Skin


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Jan 29, 2014

Vanessa A.

Hey Ladies, My son started taking Accutane a few weeks ago. His acne is pretty bad probably the worst I've ever seen. Now it's really dried out & cracking REALLY bad. Yesterday he got head butted in the face during a soccer game. The wounded crack skin on his cheek totally burst open & was bleeding. It's awful... I'm having him cleanse with Cetaphil & use Cerave lotion as a moisturizer. I'm also trying to convince him to try coconut oil but, he refuses.

Any suggestions?

I feel horrible for him. :(

Michele S.

Jan 29, 2014

Michele S.

Ouch that sounds painful, I feel for him and you =( I know nothing about skincare unfortunately. Does he have health insurance? If so I'd suggest try a dermatologist

Jan 29, 2014

Tara G.

Poor guy I'm not so sure on the wound care part, but I just wanted to be sure you did your research on Accutane so you can know what possible side effects you could be facing.

Jan 29, 2014

Stephanie S.

Aquaphor healing ointment you can find it at the pharmacy.

Jan 29, 2014

Babyboop A.

Mrs.Vanessa I don't now nothing but grave you ask Mrs.Tracy or Mrs.Jacqueline they may know something and I'm sorry about your son I hope he'll gets better :-(

Jan 29, 2014

Vanessa A.

Thanks Ladies! He is seeing Dermatologist & they are closely regulating him now that he is on Accutane. I did do a lot of research & the derm explained all the nasty side effects. It's been the last resort ditch effort. He is 17 & wanted to move forward despite all the side effects. I think we have some samples of aquaphor so, maybe he will try that.

I knew this stuff was serious crap but, daaaamm!

They did warn me it could get worse before it gets better so, let's hope this is the worse part.

Jan 29, 2014

Tara G.

I sure do hope he heals ok. I completely understand him wanting to go ahead with Accutane. I hope he has a very positive experience with it after this initial tough part.

Jan 29, 2014

Regina B.

That's too bad. Sorry to hear about that. I don't know what to have him use either, aside from what's already been suggested. I agree that maybe Traci can suggest something. Good luck. :-)

Jan 29, 2014

Vanessa A.

Thanks Tara! I think he will have some scarring for sure. But, I will definitely have him work with the derm afterwords or invest in some treatments with a esthetician.

I never had acne so, I feel for those out there that have to deal with this.

Jan 29, 2014

Shelley W.

Oh my!! I would hold off on applying coconut oil and Aquaphor till it scabs over. Don't want to apply either over an open wound. Unfortunately that is the worst thing about will dry the mess outta of the skin before you see an improvement. :(

Jan 29, 2014

Pamela M.

Find out if there's anything else they can use on him. Accutane is really harsh on the body. I use to use it years ago during my teenage years. It's horrible stuff and there's many more better medications out there. I thought they took that medication off the shelf b/c of its side effects?!?! Ask for Acayna and Atralin gel. And use Cerve cleanser (found at walmart)

Jan 29, 2014

Traci L.

You can clean the wound with a gentle cleanser and put a little neosporin on it so it doesn't get infected ,they do advise against anything can cause trama to the skin so contact sports are going to give you a lot of problems,but over the counter antibiotics are ok to use while on Accutane.

Jan 29, 2014

Sarah M.

I was on accutane last year and this is the worst time of year since it is typical this season to have dry skin and since he's on accutane that medicine shrinks his oil glands so he will have super dry skin. Lips were the worst for me, he'll never be able to wear enough Chapstick. I highly recommend using cetaphil moisturizer and aquaphor.

Jan 29, 2014

Sarah M.

It does get worse before it gets better but it is a miracle drug! I've been off the medicine for a year and if I break out it's a small pimple that lasts a few days opposed to the huge cystic acne.

Jan 29, 2014

Vanessa A.

Thanks again ladies!

Pamela he was on acayna & atralin for about a year. It worked great for about 6 months but, just seemed to stop working. Also, my insurance changed & the Acayna was $300... Eek! & the Atralin was like $65 or so. Way to much money!! I couldn't believe it!

Jan 29, 2014

Maggie F.

I took 3 courses of Accutane. The ONLY thing that helps with the dry skin is the Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream (different than the moisturizer, in a tub not a pump bottle). It's much thicker than moisturizer and is probably technically a body moisturizer but it is non comedogenic so I used it on my face and it was a life saver!! Also ask the doctor about what to do with the cracked skin. I had cracked skin in the corners if my mouth and they gave me an rx, but can't remember what it was.

Jan 30, 2014

Princess D.

I had a friend who was taking accutane and had the same experience... They ended up lowering his dosage. But now his skin is beautiful!

Jan 30, 2014

Whitney J.

Do you about all the potential SIDE EFFECTS from taking ACCUTAINE??
I took it for 6 months. Worst mistake
There are lawsuits out there that people can claim big money if they have gotten irritable bowel syndrome and chrohns disease from taking that stuff! Some guy got a settlement because had to have part of his colon removed because accutaine damaged it.

Check out the link below and then do more research! I have terrible IBS now after taking it and on top of it lactose 

Jan 30, 2014

Whitney J.

And worst of all my results lasted less than 2 years...

Jan 30, 2014

Vanessa A.

Thanks Whitney! I'm pretty informed about the side effects & lawsuits. I'll check out that link.

Jan 30, 2014

prachi g.

Ohh.. that soubds really so much of pain to me..though I dnt know much about skin care but neosporin is great for such wounds.. as a child I have hit myslf many a times and.was alwaz adviced to use it..