Technical Difficulties Help


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Feb 3, 2014

Mikayla B.

I don't remember who to email, sorry. but anyways I have the app for android, and sometimes when I'm posting something it gets stuck and I have to delete. I've already deleted and redownloaded the app 4 times today. I tried to get on it on the browser and it wouldnt show me anything! everything was blank.

Feb 3, 2014

Mariam A.

I have the same problem

Feb 3, 2014

Hannah K. would be my thought :)

Feb 3, 2014

Cassidy R.

That's happens to me too, I'm not sure but I think the email is

Feb 3, 2014

Cassidy R.

Oops, Hannah beat me to it!

Feb 3, 2014

Hannah K.

Nah, mine is saying you beat me haha it's all good, no such thing as too much help.

Feb 3, 2014

M G.

Yea thts been happening to me too :/

Feb 3, 2014

Kitty K.

Posting a photo it crashes as well b.

Feb 3, 2014

Alma M.

Hey ladies I did let Beautylish know of your issues.:)

Feb 3, 2014

Alicia H.

Hi guys,

Thanks for reporting these issues! I'm currently having our engineering team look further into why this may be happening and hopefully I will have a resolution for you soon!


Feb 4, 2014

Alicia H.

Also, for all of you using Android -- since there are so many different types of devices out there it may be helpful to pinpoint if it is one certain device that is causing this bug. If you could tell me what device you are using it would be super helpful!  Thanks!

Feb 4, 2014

Stephanie S.

Mine always closes when I try posting a pic using the camera if a pic isnt in my gallery.