BL Appreciation: How Has It Changed You?


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Feb 2, 2014

Lizzy W.

We've already had a couple of posts acknowledging our favorite Beautylish members. This is an amazing community this is, and how blessed I am to be a part of it. This had me wondering...what are some ways that you ladies have changed since joining? How has BL impacted your life?

For me...I've made some great friends. I've been exposed to so many awesome tricks, techniques, and products. I'm a lot more confident, and my makeup skills, although not that great, are stillt ten times better than they were. I no longer use bronzer as contour - in fact, I cringe at the thought and feel embarrassed for my younger self. I know what a real smokey eye is. And I feel like I have a hundred best friends :)

Feb 2, 2014

Mackenzi B.

I have met some amazing people! It made me realize that I'm not alone and that it's ok to have fun with makeup. It's taught me to love myself and to not be afraid to be me. I love everyone on here because everyone is so supportive and helpful. They have taught me so many things about makeup and about myself.

Feb 2, 2014

Symone B.

I love this thread! So sweet. I have changed for the better since joining 6 months ago. I literally have a 1,000 friends now 😭😭😭 My makeup skills have improved dramatically and my passion for beauty is stronger than ever. Beautylish also makes me feel like I'm apart of something bigger than my self. I feel so accepted and so loved. It's a community within a community (the world) and I'm honored to be a part of it.

Feb 2, 2014

Symone B.

Before and after beautylish

Feb 2, 2014

Hannah K.

Personally, it's made me a lot more considerate. It's made me more diplomatic and willing to see other people's views. For example, when people ask "how much makeup for a 13 year old?" Instead of saying something rude about how they're 13 and should wear nothing, I've become more open minded about the whole idea. I love all the ladies on here, I feel like I could talk to almost anyone and have a normal conversation. I feel like everyone on here is caring and funny, and there for each other. That's what's really special.

Feb 2, 2014

Nala H.

I'm with Hannah. It's opened my eyes because I always see people and I'm like why are they doing/wearing x,y,z but being here I get to talk to people with different views than mine so I have a real understanding of others. I've also picked up some tips and tons of inspiration.

Feb 2, 2014

Mariam A.

Beautylish got me spending a lot of money! lool but it really did impact my life big time, I never knew what I was going to do or be in my future, then I noticed MakeUp was always the right path for me from beautylish.

Feb 2, 2014

ramie x.

It made me want to pursue a career in cosmetology! I had the courage thanks to mainly Mikayla B, to sign up for cosmetology classes at my school! I am grateful for this app and I love trying my best to answer everyone's questions I am constantly refreshing to see new posts:) in all I have become more confident in myself and was able to build up self esteem thanks to everyone here:) thanks!!

Feb 2, 2014

Mackenzi B.

Another thing I really like is that people are honest on here. They give constructive criticism and want to help you. I feel like on here you can give your true opinion.

Feb 2, 2014

M G.

Alot of nice girls w/different views and personalities its awsome. :)

Feb 2, 2014

Lizzy W.

I agree with you Autumn! I have always felt that my age holds me back when people meet you and regards you as just another dumb, hormonal, over-emotional teenage girl. Having talked with you I can tell how sweet and mature and thoughtful you are, and it suck that people miss out on getting to see that in real life because they're too busy focusing on a number.

Symone, that's an awesome transformation :) And I totally agree with you. For the first time ever I feel like I belong somewhere. This is a safe, accepting, and loving community, and has helped me to go easier on myself when it comes to making mistakes.

Hananh, that's very true! I hadn't even thought of that. I admit, I was one of those people who thought that a full face of makeup meant the person was insecure. BL has allowed me to see the passion, technique, and artistry behind it...and that it's not nearly as easy as it looks!

Ramsha, that is awesome! It's crazy to think that an online community can have such a real life impact.

I think girls get a bad reputation for being catty and two faced. Although there is the occasional drama, overall everyone is very kind and accepting. I think that's rare and something worth holding onto :)

Feb 2, 2014

Kyraa D.

I'd always been interested in makeup since I first started wearing it in the summer of '07. joining BL has made me realize how much I love makeup & how passionate I am about wanting a career in this field.
I've also gained a lot more experience & knowledge since joining. I know a heck of a lot more about makeup & the proper ways & steps of applying it. I still have a long ways to go, but BL & all it's members have helped me so much & I'm very happy that I joined this community c: xoxox

Feb 2, 2014

Bella L.

Beautylish has impacted my life in such a positive way I mean I wore makeup since I was 13 now I'm soon turning 16 but anywhoo I always felt noone excepted that I always wore my foundation or my mascara but here its like your all the same and its nice to be able to talk about makeup to other people who understand and its awesome to have so many people answer your questions and give you great feed back beautylish gave me the confidence to wear my makeup with pride :D

Feb 3, 2014

Caitriona H.

I haven't been on here long at all but I love how people talk to each other on here. There's no bitchiness or people shoving opinions down each others throat, it's a calm relaxed environment where you don't have to be afraid of being judged. I feel like I can be my true self on here. I find that facebook and twitter and all those other social media sites I filter myself, or don't put up pictures I wanted to because people are so mean for the sake of it.
I'd like to say thank you to the moderators here for creating this environment but also to everyone else on here that makes it such an amazing place :) I wish the rest of the world could be like you guys :')

Feb 3, 2014

Kenzie L.

This thread is so sweet :) I agree with everyones comments.
for me, I don't really have any real friends. I've gone through a lot in the past 5 years which has led me to cut off ties from virtually all my friends and my family. BL makes me feel like I have friends again. like I'm part of a really cool group where we help and support each other. and just like real sisters, sometimes we have a go at one an other; but in the end there's always love. I feel kind of silly feeling so connected with women I've never met in person but even so, this app has helped me with much much more than beauty

Feb 3, 2014

Hannah K.

Awwwww Kenzie I'll 100% be your friend, I know that feeling.

Let me start off by saying to you all 'you're welcome'

Nah I'm kidding I've made so many great friends. The absolute bad side to this site is the time zone but that not BL fault. A lot of friends I've made come from USA and I'm from UK so sometimes there's a 5-8 hours different between us 😢😢.

I love growing with you all. I'd never post a pic of me naked faced on a website like this. IG and FB is the only place coz I can control who looks at them.
I love watching someone go from 'I don't know how to wear makeup' to 'my MOTD'.

I'm not good with words. All by friends that know me know that my actions are greater than my words.
I love and appreciate all of you guys. Hope we all carry on growing together 😊😊

P.s. Kenzie I know what you mean. One of my BFF who was near enough my sister left me after she found a guy and then cut ties with me after she got married. I wasn't even her bridesmaid and she didn't tell me where she was getting married just the date. I cried for weeks and realized F09k you. I'm an amazing person and I don't need you.

So Kenzie I'll be your friend 😊

Feb 3, 2014

M G.

Lol Hibz MUA A. I feel you on the second post though. Life goes on though, you know.

Maria a wise women once told me "ain't nobody got time fo that" lol.
Life got better after I ran out of tissues. I thought instead of buying a new box I should buy a lipgloss instead 😊 never looked back 😝

Feb 3, 2014

M G.

LOL hell yea girl! move on, right. lol you make me laugh.

Lol. Lipgloss is a better investment 😊

Feb 3, 2014

M G.

Lol Aint that the truth, I tell you.

Feb 3, 2014

Kenzie L.

Aww thanks Hannah and Hibz :) xoxo.

Feb 3, 2014

Babyboop A.

For BL is a big family that I never had before,in what way okay let me explain when I start it Like a month ago I didn't even know how to be confident,sexy,a live,more aware of makeups even tho, I don't ware it,But now I do have a clue on how to do my simple eyeliner,because I met here such wonderful ladies here like Mrs.Jacqueline,Mrs.Tracy,Mrs.Michele,Me.Hibz etc.but this is like my big family in makeups and in very proud to be a member of the big family BL thanks,I'm sorry Mrs.Lolita your. the last but not least <3.