13 Year Old Wearing Make Up Yay Or Nay.


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Jan 31, 2014

Caitlin H.

I have pretty bad acne sometimes so I have to go full face. but if I can I go for bb cream, highlighter, mascara and maybe some very subtle eye shadow. everyone I know (except for a few) wears full out makeup. makeup is a form of self expression, so do whatever makes you feel beautiful??

Jan 31, 2014

Brianna W.

I don't think we have a say in what's right or not. It's about that persons preference and their parent (s). A little bit of tinted moisturizer and mascara is no big deal at all. If it gives a girl a boost of confidence then she should do it.

Jan 31, 2014

Lou C.

If a 13 year old wants to wear make-up: okay! If a 13 year old doesn't want to wear make-up: also okay! I don't see the problem here... I think everybody should dress and wear make-up like he/she wants to.. :)

Jan 31, 2014

Maria R.

Yes and no,let me tell you why no ,firstly it would cause bad skin issues cos covering face with make up doesn't let it breath and skin gets all the possibly unsolveable irritating problems,especially on your teens when every prossess on your body changes every day ,an 13 year old teen can experiment something of course to find best 'Her' and get confidence,it is important for a teenager,but must not be addicted doing it and having a daily make up routine.And my YES is for A glitter-free lipbalm,liquid mascara with vitamin e,a day cream to protect skin from sun and unconditional weather would be great for teens from 13 to 16,using scrabs which are against acne and keeping your face fresh and clean is a teeny thing and most attractive,I also did like that,I only begin to do a prof.make up from my first university term(eventhrough I entered uni.in my 17th)I used to learn all make up techniques first from mom and youtube tutorials than I had begun to apply make up in case of not to look like an artificial doll with cake face:) if your a teenager enjoy your natural beauty and youth,you will have thousand of days that you could not be able to be off without any makeup stuff on your face,really,when your first wrinkles shows up it would be a drama to have an early aging,I have seen it on others and I recommend being more natural:) and WTF who will judge you for what god has given to you!all in all do what you want to do just do not overdo:))))

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

Nay. But in my opinion, times I've changed. A lot of girls are growing up and maturing faster. I didn't wear makeup till I was 17 (lol I still just for fun) I'd prefer my children do the same. In my eyes, there's no need for someone that age to wear makeup to school everyday. In the house, knock yourself out. But to me, I'm not okay with my 13 year old looking 16 years old. I pray I'm not offending anyone but it's not a good path to go down. If you're young, be young. Don't waste your youth trying to grow up to fast. Then when you're older you're spending all your time trying to regain your youth...

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

And if someone judges you, heck you probably shouldn't be hanging out with those people anyway. You shouldn't have to impress actual friends. Don't let other people influence how you feel about yourself. If someone ever gives you crap about not wearing makeup tell them, "I don't need it. I'm just as pretty without it."

Jan 31, 2014

Guadalupe G.

True ^^^

Jan 31, 2014

Antonia S.

I say yay! It's just makeup. And to me makeup is a lot better than booty shorts or a cleavage exposing shirt.
At 13, I wore eyeliner and mascara, By the time I was fourteen, it was a full face. Foundation, concealer, shadow, liner, I even got into false lashes at the age of fourteen.
My little sister is 13 and I WISH I could get her to wear makeup. She's SUCH a girly girl, she just doesn't like makeup. :-(

Jan 31, 2014

Marleen B.

A little natural looking mascara like Maybelline Full &Soft, Neutrogena Healthy Volume, Covergirl Clump Crusher or Covergirl Mega Plush. A tinted lip balm would be nice too, live Maybelline Baby Lips, Neutrogena Revitalizing Lip Balm or Loreal Color Riche Balm. I'd stay away from foundation if you really don't think you need it. If you. You could use blotting papers or a light compact powder on the oily parts of your face.

Jan 31, 2014

Caitlin M.

It's a personal preference, and I think even teenagers should be given a choice. Being a teenager is hard and if makeup makes someone feel good I think it should be encouraged regardless of age. (Obviously like 3 year olds wearing makeup is kind of ridiculous lol) I wore a lot of makeup when I was that age, crap I wore it BEFORE that, although at that point Mary Kate and Ashley had a makeup line of eyeshadow and lipgloss so it was pretty tame. But when I was 13 I was also into the whole goth thing and I loved it. My parents would have preferred I not wore it but they let me be myself and I mostly grew out of it. I still like darker things and makeup but I'm glad they let me do my own thing and have my fun at that age. I think as long as it's done well it doesn't matter the amount. Everyone, even young teenagers, should be able to express themselves how they want. I think makeup is a pretty tame way to do that. I know if I had a daughter I would prefer her to wear a lot of makeup versus very revealing clothing. That's just me though. I feel like it's important to experiment and have fun. Looking back you may think 'what was I thinking' but that's essentially what being a teenager is lol.