13 Year Old Wearing Make Up Yay Or Nay.


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Jan 31, 2014

Alysha B.

Sould a 13 year old wear make up to school everyday.

Jan 31, 2014

Sarah M.

If she were to wear makeup I'd say keep it very simple. Maybe a little mascara and a lip gloss in safe colors, nothing crazy. At that age it's normal to want to touch up a bit, middle school can be cruel. I think it's crucial that she's taught how to highlight her beauty at that age just by doing the basics.

Jan 31, 2014

Chelsea V.

Very minimal makeup.
Lip gloss, clear mascara and rarely tinted moisturizer

Jan 31, 2014

Lora O.

I say a little mascara and subtle eyeliner doesn't hurt as long as you keep it natural. I don't think you should be wearing full face make up yet though. But I say just have some fun with it. and don't forget it's just make up.. at the end of the day you're just going to wash it off anyways :)

Jan 31, 2014

Eloise W.

Nay. I say no. I think that while you are in primary school you should wear just bb cream. It is my opinion but I know many girls that wear just they don't see that people get wrong opinion about them.

Jan 31, 2014

Bry R.

Nay for the most part. Maybe just MAYBE foundation and/or concealer. Clear mascara, tinted lip balms or lip glosses, that's okay. No eyeliner or blush or highlighting and what not.

Jan 31, 2014

Julia K.

I already did wear makeup that time. but of course not tons of it, just simple looks. but I already pulled off dark eyeshadow quite nicely, I think :) so I would say it depends on the girl

Jan 31, 2014

Zee U.

Nay. A little eyeliner is okay if she's going out somewhere but not for school really. Why would she wear make up at that age anyway? Unless she has pretty bad acne then some concealer would be fine. But otherwise make up on thirteen year olds is stupid in my opinion but feel free to disagree.

Jan 31, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Yay, just don't over do it...

Jan 31, 2014

Kat A.

Nay. I didn't wear make up till I was freshman. didn't even want to start then.

Jan 31, 2014

Olivia B.

I say yay!

Jan 31, 2014

Olivia B.

But it really comes down to if you want to wear makeup or not.. If you do, do(:

Jan 31, 2014

Rose R.

Yay, if you feel better with it! Just mascara, bb cream and lipgloss will do, and blush maybe. It's all up to yourself, as long as your parents are ok with it, you can wear make-up! (:

Jan 31, 2014

Ariel D.

I started wearing makeup in fifth grade so I was probably 11 I would suggest if you know this kid make sure to start them out with simple stuff like browns in light colors so it doesn't look too dramatic otherwise when my mom told me to stop I got worse and worse about it

Jan 31, 2014

Sarah L.

Nothing more than concealer, mascara and powder I think.

Jan 31, 2014

Kubra O.

Nay! I totally agree w/ Megan 🙊

Jan 31, 2014

Elisha S.

I think makeup should start being allowed by parents when you start highschool. Enjoy being a kid, you have the rest of your life to worry about putting on makeup.

Jan 31, 2014

Ajla N.

Yeah I see lots of 13 year olds with makeup but thats not right..maybe only lip gloss and if the person has really bad acne then bb cream is fine.

Jan 31, 2014

Jazmyn H.

I say yay, I wore makeup when I was 13. I'd do foundation, concealer, and mascara. DON't overdue it on eye makeup like eyeshadow or eyeliner.

Jan 31, 2014

Guadalupe G.

I didn't start wearing make up till I was 17 lol but I mean now in days it's kinda normal for a young girl to be wearing make up I suggest just a little bit of mascara and some lipgloss? Skin is so soft and young at that age I'm sure there's no need for face make up. But it's always what the person wants and is comfortable with that counts :)

Jan 31, 2014

Lorna G.

Nay enjoy your young years and go have fun

Jan 31, 2014

Heidi L.

Okay so I don't know how long it was since you've been 13.. But I'm currenty 13 and honestly I wouldnt go to school without makeup... Not because I'm embaraced of myself, But because I actually enjoye doying my makeup every mourning! That and as a matter of fact people in school are judging. And if they don't know you, they will judge you on what you look like. So if you don't wanna wake up each mourning and feel like your sent in hell for the day..why not give yourself some chances...now don't get me wrong.. If you want to do makeup, do it right, don't make urself look like a clown cuz that won't help either, I'm not saying either to do a full face makeup personally to school I were eyeliner, eyepencile on my upper waterline mascara to shade of counciler, correcter and a translusant setting powder. I wouldnt go to school with the full eyeshadow look, bcz than you WILL be judge thats for sure..

Jan 31, 2014

Flores T.

If they want, I say why not?

Jan 31, 2014

Guadalupe G.

I know that's true what Heidi said , I work in a school so I see where you're coming from all this students judge each other in all ways possible it's kinda scary really.. Like I said do whatever makes you feel comfortable but don't over do it either :)

Jan 31, 2014

Delight s.

yea something light