HELP acne prob
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Nov 13, 2012
Dev E.
i have tried EVERYTHING! but still my acne still keeps comingg back.
Nov 13, 2012
Emily D.
proactive might help!
Nov 14, 2012
Amy E.
Go to a dermatologist! I suffer from acne as well and I tried all sorts of over the counter products, home made remedies, diet changes, peels etc and I wish that I had just visited a dr from the beginning. Acne is down to an over production if oil caused by hormones and over the counter products rarely help because they are not actually helping with the oil production. Many products just dry the skin out, which can help with getting rid if current break outs but won't prevent future break outs and can actually irritate the skin more. Start by using a gentle cleanser twice a day and a gentle, oil free moisturiser. Don't use any harsh chemicals on your face unless a dr advises it. I've been on antibiotics (lymecycline) and differin for almost two months and I'm just starting to see a difference. That's another thing, whatever treatment you use you have to stick with it for at least three months without giving up. It can take a while to see any improvement and your skin may well get worse to begin with. I wouldn't bother with proactive by the way! Just go to a derm!
Nov 14, 2012
Eva B.
have you gone to your doctor? i did, she gave me a type of antibiotic solution. which worked fine. she also gave me Diane. this is a hormone pill which also works as birth control. it reduces the hormones which cause acne and also excessive hair growth :)
Nov 14, 2012
Marina W.
it could also be your diet that's how I control my skin issues ! I only drink water & natural fruit juices absolutely nooo red juice with evil red dye NO SODA & cut back on fried foods !
Nov 14, 2012
Lydia T.
I have this problem as well. I tried proactive it helped but made my skin dull. Finally I tried Mary Kay velocity line with the acne gel and my skin looks amazing and has great completion. There is hope you just have to find what's right for you and do NOT squeeze your pimples makes them worse.
Nov 14, 2012
Althea N.
I used the Juice beauty acne kit, better eating habits, and drank tons of water and my acne hardly ever shows up!
Nov 14, 2012
Dev E.
thx guys!
Jun 30, 2013
Carabelle R.
Looking for ways to get rid of acne! Try this DIY home remedy! 100% organic, fit for all skin types! Find it in my photo gallery! Do check it out if you wish to!
Adios Acne♡Mask of sweetness
Hope I helped♡
xo Carabelle