Poped blister!! Help


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Dec 30, 2013

Jasmine H.

I went nice skating on Saturday and just underneath my ankle bone, when I was skating the boots formed a blister then the boots popped then lol and it's really sore and I'm going shopping tomorrow and is ther anything I can do to help the popped blister to heal quicker or something? Thanks.

Dec 30, 2013

Lizzy W.

Soak your feet in warm salt water for about ten minutes, then put some Neosporin on it and cover it with a band aid. Do this every night until it looks and feels better. It will heal on it's own, so all you can do is keep it clean to avoid the risk of infection. Aloe vera can help speed up the healing process, but you shouldn't apply it on open or broken skin.

Dec 30, 2013

Jasmine H.

Okay thank you