Isotretinoin? Your experience?


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Dec 28, 2013

Taiba F.

I saw a dermatologist for the first time today for my acne. I've been prescribed an isotretretinoin and antibiotic regimen (oral and topical). is there somethin I should know before I begin d medication?...from any of your experiences... :)

Dec 28, 2013

Lizzy W.

I wrote about my whole experience with Accutane here if you want to read it:

My best advice is to use a good moisturizer and lip balm. If you still struggle with dry skin, mix a little bio oil with your moisturizer. Use a gentle face wash like Cetaphil. If you notice any mood swings, depression, or fatigue, talk to your doctor about it as soon as possible so you can handle the problem directly. Good luck, and let me know if you have any other questions :)

Dec 29, 2013

Taiba F.

Thanks lizzy! that post is very helpful! thanks for writing. :*
I've been told to begin wid 20mg once daily and then gradually switch to 20mg twice daily. I am apprehensive about the dryness becoz I live in india and its going to be winters here for the next two months.

I would appreciatenit if you could please tell me this -

are you oratane free now? did you get rid of the adverse effects?

could you tell me if you noticed any hair or scalp changes?
during or post treatment...

did your liver function/lipid profile remain normal throughout?

Dec 29, 2013

Taiba F.

You are so beautiful...absolutely radiant!

Dec 29, 2013

Lizzy W.

I'm still on 10mg, and I will have to keep taking it until Feb/March. That means I will have been taking it for almost a year and a half, but it's just to make totally sure that I don't have a recurrence. Most of my side effects are gone already, so I'm sure they'll be completely done once I stop with the medication.
I notices that hair and nails actually grow faster on Oratane, although I've heard a lot of people complaining of hair loss.
All of my blood tests came back completely normal, and it was really just a precaution.

I understand why you'd be apprehensive, but you can use the Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream (it's the one in the tub), and apply it up to four times a day or as needed. It's a heavy duty cream but will not worsen breakouts. And although everyone's skin is different, in my experience the dryness was not nearly as bad as some people made it out to be.

Dec 29, 2013

Lizzy W.

And thank you for the compliments :)

Dec 30, 2013

Taiba F.

Alright! thank you so much lizzy :-)
and I hope you don't relapse once the medication ends. stay blessed beautiful :-)