Hair Care Essay
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Nov 5, 2012
Akira tiger rose D.
This is an essay I wrote for school, we could write about anything we wanted so I decided to write about hair. I thought it would be a good idea to share all this with beautylish too. Tell me what you think? and I am a sort of a noob at this, so I could use some criticism too!
Is your hair dry, damaged or frizzy? Is your hair just not growing to the length you desire? If so, it could be because you are doing something wrong. There are many ways to keep your hair long, healthy and soft.
So say your hair is dry/frizzy. When you get in the shower, Don't bundle up all your hair on top of your head and then lather Because that hurts your hair, making it weaker and frail. It’s piled on top of your head, each hair is inter twined with one and other, which causes breakage. If you run the shampoo through your hair with your fingers, while its hanging freely, then it causes less breakage. Plus if your hair doesn’t feel that soft, it could be because you shampoo your hair too much, or your hair is naturally frail. So give your hair a break, shampoo your hair twice a week. By doing this you’re letting your natural oils work into your hair and it gives your hair a bit more moisture. As long as you condition it, it wont get greasy. For maximum moisture condition your hair first, and then do everything else you do in the shower. After you’re done then wash out the conditioner, keeping it in longer also makes it smell better. Dehydrated hair really lacks shine so whip some eggs into room temperature water and apply to your hair then rinse with room temperature water. Do not use hott water. So some causes of frizzy hair are: Shampooing too often, brushing too often, using hair products with harsh chemicals, swimming, and blow drying too much. So don’t blow dry too long, wash your hair ASAP after swimming, shampoo less, and condition it.
If your hair is damaged then there is no need to worry, because there are many ways to help it. You're going to want to deep condition it. You're also going to want to do everything I mentioned in the previous paragraph. There are many deep conditioners out there, but I recommend Argan Oil’s reconstructive mask. This mask is one of the best out there currently. You could also use Aussie’s 3 minute miricale. After you get out of the shower and towel dry your hair, apply either of the products and give a generous amount. Now tie a plastic grocery bag around your head. This will keep the conditioner from drying out, once it dries out it becomes inactive. Leave on for as long as you please, it wont make your hair oily. I usually recommend sleeping in it, but you could also leave this on all day if you are having a lazy day. If you touch it and it still kind of feels dried out then blow dry it on warm, this will keep the conditioner moist on your hair. Make sure you only blow dry it with the bag over your hair, if you don't it will dry the conditioner.
If your hair just doesn’t grow that fast then here are a few tips to help make it grow. You're gonna want to maintain a healthy diet, to be more specific: Nuts, fish, fruits, and green leafy vegetables. Those four categories of food really help your hair become long. Don’t forget that you're supposed to get a trim every 2-4 months. Last but not least there is this special “2 in 1” shampoo product. It's called “wenn”. It cleans and conditions your hair without drying it out like regular shampoo does, highly recommended.
So it's pretty easy to have and maintain long and beautiful hair. You just have to know how to treat it! From simple shower tips, to products, to the simplest things, diet! I hope this helped you with your hair issues.
Nov 6, 2012
Mary P.
i would change the part about washing your hair twice a week. Hair gets dirty, oily & smelly. If you don't advise daily wash, then at least advise to wash hair every other day. That natural oil work stuff is a myth. To keep it moisturized you can use a leave in conditioner. The shine in your hair comes from your over all health & not smoking. Eggs is just a temporary fix. Mayonnaise once every other week is better! other then that, your essay is an "A", good job!
Jun 25, 2018
Tyler K.
I can recommend you to my good friend who has a lot of experience in writing. He is the best writer of essays. I think that after your visit, you will totally satisfy by his excellent work. Hope that will be useful for you.