My eyebrows H E L P.


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Jan 18, 2014

Brenda P.

My eyebrows are horrible! If I plucked them into nicely shape eyebrows I won't have any any eyebrows at all! So what should I do? And what type of eyebrow to make! D:

Jan 18, 2014

Stephanie M.

Just even out the inner edges, pluck any out of place hairs on the top and bottom, and even out the outer edges :) a little work goes a long way! And if you want them to look thicker, fill them in with an eye shadow that is the same or very close to the same shade as your hair color!

Jan 18, 2014

Dr M.

Fill them in with eyebrow cream/powder

Jan 18, 2014

Yolande P.

I would suggest not plucking them at all and letting them grow,to help them grow brush through some cold pressed castor oil with an old mascara wand or eyebrow brush.I always think powders look much more natural than pencil so you could buy some eyebrow stencils and the powder of your choice and fill them in like that or draw the outline of the desired eyebrow shape with a pencil and fill them in with an angled brush and powder.

Jan 18, 2014

Amy M.

One of the very best ways to get a good shape to your brows for beginners is to visit a brow bar or experienced brow waxer who does initial shaping. Then it will be much easier for you to just maintain the shape and fill in any sparse areas as necessary.

Jan 18, 2014

Stephanie M.

I agree with Amy!

Jan 18, 2014

Cy B.

Well for me if I let my eye brows grow out it will look like yours like I don't have any but when I get them threaded they pop up , weird right? Ik my friend is also like that and when she gets them waxed it's like she has them I don't know very weird but lol maybe you should try if you want they will always grow back

Jan 18, 2014

Lauren D.

I think you should just fill them in with some eyebrow gel/pencil. You're gorgeous! And so are your eyebrows!!

Jan 18, 2014

Jen S.

Well that happens to me I just use a eyebrow powder. They have eyebrow pencils and powder available on beautylish.I just outline the outline of my eyebrow very lightly because the colour I use is very dark.The stencils work well too.

Jan 18, 2014

Brenda P.

thank you guys!! ✨