Is this fair?! How can I deal with this?


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Jan 18, 2014

Cami F.

Hey loves! So I am doing my 5 of my friends makeup for our winter formal at the end of January. They are all paying for their own fake eyelashes and nothing else. I don't mind doing it for free but I am using high quality products that are my own. My friends also except me to pack up a boat load of things and go to their house to do their makeup. If I am doing it for them for free shouldn't they be coming to my house? They expect me to do all of this for them and it's like I can't say no because they are my best friends. I don't mind doing it for free but how can I tell them they have to come to my house without sounding like a jerk?

Jan 18, 2014

Betsy N.

Well be frank. Say I'm perfectly fine doing you thia favor but why don't you make it easier on me by coming to my home?

Jan 18, 2014

Llesenia S.

I agree with Betsy. You're already doing them a huge favor, why can't they just come over? If they truly are you friends, they shouldn't mind knowing how you feel. High quality makeup is expensive and so is gas.

Jan 18, 2014

Kiyomi K.


Jan 18, 2014

Cami F.

True true... I guess the only way to make them understand is to be straight up with them. Thanks so much 💖

Jan 18, 2014

Lynzie B.

I would say. "It would be great fun and easier if we could all get ready at my house."

Jan 18, 2014

Diana S.

Their your friends! Don't be afraid to tell them anything! If it was me and my friend I would be like "you come over instead!" Lol but that's just me with my friends.(:

Jan 18, 2014

Betsy N.

If they don't understand then they really aren't your friends.

Jan 18, 2014

Cat C.

Yeah I'd definitely talk to them of it bothers you.
I have done prom and formal makeup and hair on many of my friends and I don't charge. I even go to their housed because we hang out, eat, laugh, and I get to do something I love, for people I love. I have plenty to spare lol and they end up being so grateful, that they try to pay me or do other things in return.
They're tour friends, I'm sure they'll understand :)

Jan 18, 2014

Alycia K.

I agree with everything said above!! I wouldn't ask/tell then to come over to my house but that's only because I hate confrontation and I have social anxiety but that's only me lol.

Jan 18, 2014

Michelle E.

Aly K. You and me both, dear. It's nice to hear someone admit to having social anxiety! Mine is severe for time to time

Cami F.

San Francisco, California