Bad color/highlights gone terribly wrong.


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Jan 19, 2014

Christine H.

Went to get my hair highlighted today with my colorist of 15 years. I said I wanted to try something a little different. Maybe ombre, or a bit darker and warmer/richer. I normally have a head of terrific blonde highlights.
Unfortunately, she didn't come through today and the result is a mess and I truly look horrible. Weird stripey highlights. Too dark and flat - not shiny at all. And the few highlights she did put in are horribly placed. I have a huge chunk underneath the now brown on the side of my head.
Do I wait a week until I can finally get back to see my colorist and have her correct this? Will she be able to return my hair and highlights back to the way they were?
Am postin a pic of the bad highlights. My Profile pic is what my hair normally looks like!

Jan 19, 2014

Miranda G.

OMG that's horrible 😮 do sorry to hear that it 😧 in my opinion I think you should wait a while before going back you don't want to fry your hair 😢 it looks great to me just play around with your hair for right now if you dnt like it like do different hairstyles until you go back 😀

Jan 19, 2014

Sapphire K.

Oh dear... That IS different. How strange this happened. I'd make a consultation and ask her, since it seems that she's usually your go to. I think it's key not to freak because a crazy mistake happened.

Jan 19, 2014

Mary T.

I would wait and go back if you haven't had other problems. And find several pictures of exactly what you want. It sounds like miscommunication. If they are a good stylist they will take care of you. Good luck!! It's not that bad.

Jan 19, 2014

Mariam A.

I mean your hair looks great, Not horrible at all, strengthen it, or put it up in a high pony tail, Loose bun, or anything to make you feel contorforble. If you end up hatting it more, then go back and tell her.

Jan 19, 2014

Mary T.

Call her up ASAP!

Jan 19, 2014

Christine H.

Thank you, all.
She basically put 2 highlights at the top of my head near my forehead and then 2 huge "chunky-stripey" highlights either side of my head towards the middle. Very strange!
After those, she used a toner all over and then rinsed that out,along with the highlights. And then darkened all of my hair (while keep the highlights protected in foil)
I guess I will have to call her on monday - am very disappointed by someone who has done a very good job for nearly 20 years! I am fearful I will have to walk around like this for 2 months until the higlhights fade as does the "dark" all over color she put in!

Jan 19, 2014

Taylor F.

Typically salon colors have tons of conditioners in them so I wouldn't be worried about your hair getting fried with a color fix. I would go back as soon as possible and honestly if it were me, I wouldn't pay any additional money for the fix. She was the one who messed it up so she should fix it free of charge. I think some warm honey blonde in place of that platinum would be so pretty. Go as far as bringing a picture to show her exactly what you want. Pintrest is a great place to look. Best of luck to you doll, let us know how it works out 😘

Jan 19, 2014

Lisa S.

I had the exact same problem last week!! I was in tears because she normally does my hair so good, I'm sure she can fix it if you go back. I just fixed mine myself and it looks great now, she blended like four different colors in my hair and it looked amazing except she didn't do my roots! She started like halfway?? I don't know what she was thinking but I know I probably won't use her for color anymore, just cuts because she is amazing at that

Jan 19, 2014

Lisa M.

I think she doesn't know how to do Ombr? & YES absolutely go back asap & have her fix it!! Being your stylist for 15 years I'm sure you've established a relationship with her if not close to a friendship. DON't let that stop you frm being totally honest with her!! Tell her exactly how you feel! If you don't then it may not get corrected free of charge and maybe not corrected in the way you need it!! If your too nice she may just tone it down cause she won't uunderstand how very displeased you actually are. I'd call her immediately & convey your feelings so she'll be prepared to do it completely over & get you in fast! You don't want to have to walk around with something you hate for a week! I'm sorry your dealing with this :-( I know how it feels for a stylist to mess you up!! My last cut was so horrible me & my hubby just ended up shaving the side of my head! Good luck girl!

Jan 19, 2014

Bree B.

I would go back to her. You just had a miscommunication.

Jan 19, 2014

Annmarie K.

It's awful when this happens. My advice don't wait, I would go back and have someone else at the salon fix it since you already know the person who did this skill set. It is not unreasonable to do this. Any reputable salon should have no problem. You are a billboard of the stylist work when you leave, I'm surprised she let a client walk out this unhappy.

Jan 19, 2014

Whitney J.

Yes go back ASAP. The sooner you do a color fix the better chance of getting most/all of the color out. And since it's salon color on your hair and not box color, it should be a problem to get out.