How To Get Rid Of Bumps?


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Nov 8, 2012

Francoise B.

I have some bumps on my cheeks, they're not pimples. Just a plain bump. Any tips on how I can get rid of them? Thanks in advance! ;)

Nov 8, 2012

Leonie P.

It may be something like a blocked pore, or a blackhead, do they hurt cuz sumtimes u can have spots under the skin that just don't come up it all depends really, it may be your skin needs a really deep clean (not in a rude way) so maybe something like a facial might help cuz they can steam your skin & extract if its to do with blocked pores/congestion, if that doesn't work or uve tried it you could ask your doc. : ) 

Nov 8, 2012

Francoise B.

Thank you so much Leonie for the tip ;)

Nov 8, 2012

Callie G.

I think I know what you're talking about. They could be from dryness. I suggest a moisturizer. It doesn't have to be an expensive one. 

Nov 8, 2012

Amy E.

I think you are talking about closed comedones which is basically like a blackhead that is closed! Sometimes you can squeeze them out but I wouldn't recommend it as they can be quite stubborn and they could end up being huge spots! Go to a professional to have them extracted or go to a doctor! 

Nov 8, 2012

Kelly L.

It sounds as if you have milia. Steam your skin in the shower, and carefully extract. Follow with a moisturizer suited for your skin type.

Nov 8, 2012

Amy E.

Hmm unless the bumps are white or yellow and definitely not pimples then I wouldn't say they are milia.

Nov 8, 2012

Ashley S.

they are either miia or any form of keretoisis.
Id see ur dermatoligist if u want them to go away the fastest

Nov 9, 2012

Francoise B.

Thanks for the tips ladies! Milia is a white/yellow bump right? My bump doesn't contain anything like that. But my cheek is very dry. So I'll guess I just have to hydrate more and see a dermatologist. Thanks again! ;)

Nov 9, 2012

Landrey S.

Gentle exfoliant will help as well,

Nov 9, 2012

Leonie P.

Defiantly big milia as she said there under the skin milia would b ontop of  

Nov 9, 2012

Leonie P.
