Job interview help?


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Jan 18, 2014

Lara W.

I've been out looking for a job for a while now, and I still am lost at how to do this.
So I have multiple questions on one topic. 1. Is it okay to wear boots like uggs to get an application or to meet with them before the official interview? 2. I have been wearing minimal makeup, but is it okay to wear my hair up in a sortof messy bun and a few pieces framing my face? 3. Any pointers? this will be my frist job. 4. What about leggings and sweatshirts? Alot of my jeans are staned and I'm trying to find a job so I can afford new appropriate clothes. Its quite cold here also.

Jan 18, 2014

Hannah K.

1. No, Uggs might possibly be the least professional shoes ever.
2. Yes, as long as it still looks somewhat neat and not as though your hair is just a mess, but I still don't recommend it. Try a no-nonsense curly ponytail.
3. What's the job?
4. Again, what's the job? How professional? What field?

Jan 18, 2014

Hannah K.

1. No, ugg boots are too casual.

2. It's a little informal, but you could do it non messy and have tendrils around your face:) you want to make a good first impression, and look smart:)

3. Be calm, smile and be polite. Retain eye contact but don't stare. Ask a question at the end, but do NOT ask about salary or holiday time off. Basically sell yourself to the interviewer but don't come across as up yourself.

4. No. Way to informal. You can wear leggings, but I'd suggest a shirt with it, maybe a blazer.

You're trying to make a good first impression, and that's what the interviewer will retain of you when picking which applicant for the job.

Jan 18, 2014

Calla I.

Definitely no uggs! Hair up is fine as long as it's not too crazy looking, and no leggings or sweats! Definitely try to look casual yet sophisticated and like you really care.

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

1. No. First impressions always last. You don't have to wear a business suit but at least have the decency to go with a more decent outfit. You don't have to walk around the whole day in business shoes you can just switch them out when you get there. But showing up dressed like a 15 year old won't do any justice.
2. I wouldn't because like I said, interviews are when people are MOST judgmental. If a girl showed up with a messy bun to my workplace for her interview my first impression would be... Uggs?? Messy bun?? Yeah you're lazy. You don't want them to think that. Put yourself in THEIR shoes. Where you came from there are a hundred more. You don't need to be eliminated for something as stupid as a messy bun.
4. Leggings and sweatshirts are not appropriate at all for any interview. I seriously would consider going to a thrift shop or borrowing a friends clothes. Appearance does mean everything in an interview. YOU represent the company and they do not want someone who cannot properly represent.
If I were you I would do a quick walk through of the company and see how the managers are dressed. Hair should never be in your face. If you want to wear it down it needs to be tucked behind the ear.
Pointers: Be yourself in a professional manner. These people are judging you beyond what you believe. Walking in dressed like you don't care gives them the impression that you are wasting their time.
Always smile and greet EVERYONE. Even if they are just sitting on the side lines taking notes. They want to see that you are PLEASANT to work with. Always show good posture and be confident in yourself. Don't show them any doubt. Don't wear perfume period. Your interviewers might be allergic for all you know. You don't need that. No loud jewelry. A pair of stud earrings is fine. You want the focus to be on you not on your new bracelet.
No loud nails, keep them natural and simple. You can show them how fashionable you are once you get the job lol.
Research the company. They will ask you things like what makes you different what you have to offer why do you want to work there will you be good for the company. I know interviews are all about you, but remember you want to stand out. They want someone to help make sales and help the company they could care less about anything else. It's literally what you have to give to the company.

Jan 18, 2014

Kate B.

Good luck ❤️

Jan 18, 2014

Lara W.

I'm not talking about a super messy bun. Its actually pretty neat; but I'm not sure about it. Like I said Hannah, my first job so most likely a fast food resturaunt or a small store. I had to ask about the uggs, I was curious because I don't have nice shoes. I'm homeschooled and I'm the classiest out of my friends (and the smallest sadly, so borrowing clothes isnt an option even if I can make grungy jeans look fine with a nice top). Thankyou for the makeup tips Amelia, but the outfit looks a little too professional for mcdonalds and I'm broke.. Thankyou for the tips Hannah K(: I would never wear sweats omg! I'd rather die than go to a job interview in sweats! Managers everywhere I'm looking are in uniform or are in khakis and a decent shirt. I don't wear earrings or perfume, as I am allergic myself xD

Jan 18, 2014

Lara W.

Thankyou Kate and FrancesMarie (: I'm going down to the Valuevillage today because they are hiring, and going down to roses or chickfila tomorrow (:

Jan 18, 2014

Lara W.

OOPS- forgot tomorrow is Sunday. I meant Monday.

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

You don't own a pair of neutral colored flats? Black, beige, navy, gray, or white?

Jan 18, 2014

Lara W.

Do knockoff toms styled count?

Jan 18, 2014

Lara W.

I'm used to getting one pair of new shoes a year unless they are bought out of the blue for me or given to me. So until now I havent had a need for them so I never got them.

Jan 18, 2014

Madison M.

When I got to an interview I just focus on looking cleaned up and modest. Avoid uggs and sweatshirts just some nice pants a nice top hair pulled back and minimal makeup is great. Keep it simple be confident and you'll do great :) ps knockoff toms work.

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

Presentable toms do fine.

Jan 18, 2014

Lizzy W.

You can wear leggings with a plain black pair of shorts/skirt and a blouse, or with a T-shirt and blazer.

Jan 20, 2014

Lara W.

Thankyou Kitty Madison and Lizzy (: