Has anyone tried these teas?


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Jan 20, 2014

Shannon B.

I want to try them. They are teas that clean out your body, like stomach, kidneys, livers, ex. Also they contribute to losing wait if you need it. I don't need it so it won't affect me in that way if I do get it. But it helps with digestive, immune system and what I said before. Cleaning out the body. It also cleanses the skin.
This I got off the website. So far they have a lot of good reviews on the tea and the tea is all natural.

Just wonder if you girls have ever tried it :)
Website is www.yourtea.com

Jan 20, 2014

Shannon B.


Jan 20, 2014

Shannon B.


Jan 20, 2014

Shannon B.

They have more but I would get one of these two because of my age. You have to read about the teas because they tell you what they do and what age the people should to take them. They have a lot to read about each one and if you are interested into looking at this I advice you to read.

Jan 20, 2014

Hannah O.

My friend loves it! I really want to try it myself, but she never stops talking about it so it must be good.

Jan 20, 2014

Sapphire K.

Sounds like experiment time.

Jan 20, 2014

Kaelyn C.

No but I'm definitely looking into them ~