Major acne help


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Jan 19, 2014

Kay C.

Sometimes products make you break out before you think maybe that's the case?

Jan 19, 2014

Maggie F.

I would continue with the Neutrogena acne wash but use the yellow one (oil free acne wash) and not the grape fruit one as I thought it was kinda harsh. Please don't put oils one your face like some have recommended. All products should be oil free and non comodegenic or they will cause more breakouts. I personally like the Proactiv toner which has glycolic acid and doesn't dry out my face like other toners. I find benzoyl peroxide to be the most useful at clearing up acne. I would start with 2.5% and gradually move up to 5%. Make sure you use a moisturizer that is oil free and non comodegenic to counter the drying it could cause. Don't put any natural products like milk, etc. on your skin. I've never read anything that these things help acne and could prob make it worse. Stick to products formulated for acne prone skin.

Jan 19, 2014

Whitney J.


Jan 19, 2014

jenny a.

Yup acne sucks! It's definitely true about eating clean, drinking lotsa H2O (preferably alkaline), green tea, juicing, & green smoothies all help tremendously! Having a calm state of mind is the best really so that you may find best routine that works.
Always keep in mind that the skin gets confused when too many products are used. So be careful when switching out products. Kay C. is correct in that some products make the skin purge before bringing great results for example, retin-a or tazorac.
My am/pm routine consists of African black soap from coastal scents, Hobe sweet almond oil or raw African shea butter (soon after drying face cuz black soap very drying), and duac- Rx-benzoyl peroxide/clindamycin. I also use tazorac @nite 3-4xwk. I don't mix duac or tazorac together, just alternate depending my skins temperament.
I also purchased Sirius LED light therapy. I know it works but very time consuming so I do it 1-2x per wk.
Good luck in finding what works for you & remember to stay strong & healthy💪

Jan 22, 2014

Carrie L.

Btw! Cetaphil makes products for dry skin. So they will definitely have a cleanser for dry skin for you! They even have an oily skin cleanser now.