What is this??


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Jan 22, 2014

Jóna M.

I've got these weird dots under my eyes, some of my friends says that I just have to press them out, but it hurts really much and once I pressed one out I started bleeding.. Do you know what it is, and how I can remove it? (sorry for my english)

Jan 22, 2014

Kayley W.

Sorry wish I could help but I have never had anything like that before. 😕

Jan 22, 2014

Kirsten T.

Maybe try putting a warm towel on it and,then try to press them. If it doesn't go away and your worried, you could go to the dermatologist.

Jan 22, 2014

Marii L.

I've heard and seen something like it. is it cold where you're at?? it can be the weather not sure.

Jan 22, 2014

Constance X.

My friend has them and she went yesterday to look for a face wash but I can't remember what is called now... But there is a way to get rid of them.

Jan 22, 2014

Corrie S.

I had those, and my dermatologist said they are deposits of some sort... I forget what. She had to remove them for me and she said to not try to take them out yourself! they aren't pimples.

Jan 22, 2014

Liz B.

Go a to a dermatologist you don't want to hurt your self more.

Jan 22, 2014

Nicole S.

Looks like milia you prob won't be able to extract them and I wouldn't recommend it its really hard sebum.I'm an esthetician and we have to lance them durning a facial...I would recommend getting a facial or go the dermatologist... dermatologist is prob better where they are so close to your eye. the realy small ones are harder to extract.

Jan 22, 2014

Jóna M.

Thank you all, I'll try first to handle it, and if it don't go away, I will ask my dermatologist :) thank you xx