Major acne help


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Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

Sometimes using to many products on my skin freaks it out.

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

I would deffy switch out the BP Tea Tree Oil & Salicylic acid work much better from my personal experience, I do know a skin care professional who isnt too happy with BP either.
Another good mask for pulling out oils and calming your skin ( Redness, inflammation, reduce size of pimples ) is definitely oatmeal and honey. This is my HG mask, I just add oatmeal ( any kind, quick oats, instant oats. ) to my blender and grind them up. Then either wet it and apply it on my face or using raw organic honey I apply it on and leave it on 15 minutes. It takes away so much redness and inflammation, one of my favorites. I use it when I wash my face too, it does work as a face wash. Same thing, just grind up oats and wet them. They also act as an exfoliator, once they are dry you need to rub them off in soft circular motions. Sometimes I add like 5-6 drops of tea tree oil in them so it helps with acne.
If you end up using ACV make sure its the raw organic unfiltered kind, most of the time the filtered ACV is just regular vinegar with coloring added to it, YOU DONT want to use regular vinegar.
I would say to definitely take away any animals from sleeping on your bed, and WASH your pillows at least once a week, twice is what was recommended to me. If you want to help even more, take a clean small towel and sleep on that, switching out to a new one everyday. Those hairs on your bed can cause allergies and generally not a good idea. I know it SUCKS but it can be contributing to your face and your health at the same time. I was literally sick for almost 3 months just because I wanted to sleep with my puppy, as soon as my mom took him out and changed the sheets I got so much better so quickly. Try to sleep face up if you can, our pillow cases harbor so much dirt from our hair that it's kind of disgusting.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

Yes Laura I agree. When my skins really dry it freaks out. But I've been moisturizing a ton bc it's winter here and freezing. Most face washes are drying though. I might switch back to cetaphil. They don't have a dry Skin one do they? Don't think I've seen one.

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

For a dry skin wash I love Cerave, if you can order online then I highly encourage you to try out Paula's choice, they do an excellent job at removing make up, and their customer service ACTUALLY helps you with your skin, even recommending other products.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

They sleep on my bed every night so it might not work to not let them. They just scratch at the door all night lol. There's definitely lot of cat hair in my room/bed. It's hard to get rid of. Wouldn't an allergy show up on more than just my face? I have queen Helens oatmeal n honey scrub. I've never made my own mask.

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

Her products are amazing and actually help with what you are targeting, this is literally the holy grail of the skin industry lol.

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

I make my own just because of all the preservatives and crap they have in them, if I could make my own mud mask I would so definitely make my own. Allergies don't have to show up EVERYWHERE, Like I said... I was sick for three months, to mean allergies meant like hives and weird rashes and bumps all over. I was sick for WAY too long and to just take out my dog and bam I'm instantly better? Thats too coincidental. I'm also allergic to his saliva, I literally break out in acne wherever he licks. 

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

Speak of the devil lol. There's one.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

Speak of the lil devils lol. Found one on my bed.

Jan 18, 2014

Laura J.

You need to go back to basics, before all these products existed I wonder how many people suffered from acne, putting too many products on your face can cause the acne & trying to combat it with more products isn't going to make it better. I know from experience that when I had acne your natural response is to try every cream, face wash, medication etc... Just for it to go away, but my skin just got worse from it. I have a very basic skincare routine now and my skin is just normal - not oily or dry & I only get a spot once every few months if at all. Just please do not let it stop you from enjoying life, I did & I missed out on so much when really other people don't notice as much as you do 😊

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

Oops it posted twice and different pics. Weird sorry.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

What's your skincare routine Laura?

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

Put them in a cage then, when it comes to my health and their comfort... sorry my dog adjusted really quickly because he knows I don't play the whole little 'aww but he wants to sleep here crap.' For all you know all that cat hair rubbing up against your face is just making it worse lol.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

Yeah my mom keeps telling me it could b a cat allergy. I've had them over a year so I don't know why it would pop up now. But it's something to look into. Thanks for your help kitty:) you are gorgeous and great help!

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

And have great skin lol.

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

Its okay... I've had dogs for YEARS, why would my dog lick my face and I now get acne? Idk, but our skin is ALWAYS changing so it sucks because I loved sleeping with him on my bed because he's so fluffy and it was like having a pillow, lol. And whatever you keep, give it at least 24 days ( a full cycle ) until you figure out whether it works or not. If you do something for like 4-5 days you can't really say.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

What's your skincare routine??

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

Rountine with piccy is right here

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

Is it expensive? I don't have a lot of $$

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

Is what expensive?

Jan 18, 2014

Renae A.

Try the body shop tea tree oil face wash! I swear by it! I used to have horrible and I mean horrible acne an since using it I've noticed a real change in my skin! It's wonderful.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

This one?

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

Or this one on top left renae?

Jan 18, 2014

Paula M.

Katie you can get it at your pharmacy any natural beauty stores it's called passion fruit oil ( maracuja oil ) from the amazon and you can also buy it on amazon :) you can also use natural treatments instead of chemical brands, use milk to cleanse and honey to moisturize with oils!

Jan 19, 2014

Katie H.

Milk to cleanse?