Major acne help


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Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

I apologize that this will be long. But I usually only have pimples here and there but for the last month, my skins been going crazy. More so on my chin and nose and right side of my face but now it's moved to my t zone and forehead. I've been washing my face and using a toner, moisturizer and spot treatment and it's been getting much worse. How do I know if it's more than just acne? Like a reaction to something. Please help! I don't even want to leave the house. I took a pic without makeup so you could kinda see. Sorry I look a hot mess.

Jan 18, 2014

Eloise W.

Yeah I see. Did you maybe use some kind of new makeup lately. Maybe you break out. Did you go to dermatologist?

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

If you've been eating a lot of dairy ( especially ) I'd stop that. The study supposedly proving acne and our diets don't have anything to do with each other is so outdated and flawed that I don't know why it's considered as anything. ( But dermatologist can't make money out of good health so... )
You should post more info on your skin type and what products you are using specifically... The more detailed you are the easier it is to help.

Jan 18, 2014

Lucy J.

I would try using a face mask every other day!! This is the one I use:

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

I haven't used anything new makeup wise. This is the worst it's been yet. I have dry sensitive skin. I use neutrogena face wash, witch hazel toner and spot treatments. I thought maybe it was the products I use but even after not using anything for a few days, it didn't help. I can't afford a doc appt.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

I'm starting to wonder if it's an allergy to something. It's only contained to my face though.

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

Okay yay I can definitely help you! Lol
What neutrogena face wash are you using exactly? I know it sounds silly but I've used some in the past that have caused some nasty breakouts? And what spot treatments are you using?

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

I have a couple. I just recently tried the pink grapefruit scrub one but I also have the yellow bottle one. Deep clean cream cleanser. I have neutrogena non alcoholic toner bc I found ones with alcohol in them ruin my skin. And I have a witch hazel one. Can't remember what brand. Spot treatments are Persa gel and zapzyt. Even days I just wash my face with water, it gets worse.

Jan 18, 2014

Brooke L.

Deff try a face masque.
If you're using a face wash with beads or any bump in it, that's your problem right there. The makers actually crush rocks up n put it in the wash, this makes your skin worse. Try using a smooth face wash like cetaphill.

Hope I could help!

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

My friend said hormones too. I've had at the most like 4 zits at a time so this is definitely out of the ordinary. It's like everyday there are so many more.

Jan 18, 2014

Yolande P.

Don't be trying all these harsh chemicals on your face.I suggest to find a fragrance and soap free moisturiser and cleanser such as cetaphil and I believe simple have some gentle stuff.Have a healthy diet like Kitty said with dairy can break you out because of the hormones in it,drink plently of water,steam your face over a hot bowl of water to open and cleanse pores,use cold water after cleaning face with warm water to close pores,don't touch or pick at your face,stress may be breaking you out? Find something to relax,excersize and when you do wash your face after so sweat does not clog up your pores,use a facemask that benefits your skin once a week and just try to see what works for your skin.

Jan 18, 2014

Paula M.

Hey Katie! I just been out and bought myself some oils and I have been doing some research. I found that passion oil is perfect for acne prone skin. Apparently you can rub some of the oil on a spot and it will will heal it! I only bought it today and I'm not acne prone either but it has a lot if benefits including anti aging properties, makes the skin glow and moisturizes too! I put it on a couple if hours ago and I already love it!

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

I have some simple brand face wash items. They aren't bad, just don't feel like I'm getting a deep clean sometimes. I thought maybe it was a cat allergy but it's only on my face. Should I be using a toner? I use revlon color stay for foundation.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

Paula, where do you get that oil??

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

I just feel hideous:( there isn't a clear spot on my face.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

That's what my face usually looks like. Sorry for weird face lol.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

Not many breakouts usually.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

Thank you Amelia :) just feel trapped in my body lol there's more every day!!

Jan 18, 2014

Kitty K.

Well.. I know what it's like to deal with a thousand zits and pimples, lol. And you don't need any expensive product to get rid of them ( Unless it's moderate to severe cystic acne, only a doc can give you the injections you need for them. )

I understand you're using witch hazel, but witch hazel DOES contain alcohol so you are only re-routing yourself back to square one. It does cause redness as well. Although it is great for removing make up and other impurities that we didn't get when we cleansed our skin, there are less harsher choices that will yield the same result.
I personally love using Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner, it MUST be diluted ( half ACV and half water. ) ACV mimics the skins PH and will help it bring it back to it's regular PH level. This is essential ESPECIALLY for fighting off acne, sometimes things as simple as our skins PH being thrown off can cause all these break outs.
As for the yellow neutrogena face wash, before combining more natural ingredients in my skincare I found that it broke me out like crazy. I personally wouldn't touch it.
I personally do not like Benzoyl Peroxide, why?
It is far too harsh in terms of our skin. It can cause a chemical burn, and the first thing it does is dry up. BP isn't very praised for what it does, especially since it's so temporary. The minute you stop using it, it's like you never treated it. That's my personal dislike with BP, what I found way more effective was tea tree oil, you should dilute it with either water or another oil.
Make sure you READ about oils before putting them on your face, lots of girls on here recommend things that are phototoxic or wayyy too acidic or alkaline for the skin. ( Baking soda, Lime/Lemon, Lavender Oil. Citrus Oils ). You don't need to ruin your skin or make it a bacteria breeding ground just for a quick fix.

For stubborn acne, AHA or BHA acids will help beautifully for them. You don't need to go to sephora, you can literally go into Ulta and ask for skin care products that contain AHA or BHA acids.
I personally loved using sulfur & salicylic acid whenever I broke out, it was a godsend for my skin. ( My acne was on the stubborn side. )
They do sell sulfur ointments for acne at walmart, I still use it whenever I have a pimple. The only down side about acne is that in order to get rid of it you have to age it, do any of your pimples have heads yet? I would do a mud mask to help bring all these oils and dirts to the surface so that your skin purges all the impurities.
A good mask for that would be Queen Helen's mint julep mask or the regular mud mask. I loved using it, although it is drying but it gets the job done. I use it as a spot treatment on each individual spot and sleep with it overnight.
You need to drink LOTS of water, if you're drinking sodas and all these juices I would stop for awhile. I would have at least 9 bottles of water a day to see results in my skin. Which brings me to green tea. GREEN TEA IS YOUR SKINS BEST FRIEND.
3-4 cups a day, I like to add two table spoons of honey and a bit of lemon so that it taste delicious. NO SUGAR. Sugar cancels out the effects of green tea.
Like I said, stay away from Gluten and dairy, SERIOUSLY. If you want it go away, then don't touch these things, Milk, cheese, breads, any product made with gluten. It sucks but it HELPS. If you aren't providing a clean canvas for your skin to heal itself you will have a hard time.
One thing my mom always did to help detox my skin was everymorning, before doing ANYTHING.. peeing showering anything. She'd give me a warm glass of water with lime in it and a straw. I had to drink that whole cup ( not litte by little, just drink it all down. )
Good skin starts from the inside out, it can be an allergic reaction. Do you let your cat or dog lick your face? I wouldn't anymore if I were you, that's what fed up my skin and it took me a good while to figure out how to get rid of it. Have you been using any kind of depilatories ( hair removing ) creams on your face?

As for steaming, you don't need to do that. Your pores open enough with just a hot cloth on your face, steaming can actually be VERY bad for your skin so I personally do not recommend it. Leave it to the professionals to steam, they know what they are doing it and how to do it without damaging the skin. No harsh water temperature SHOULD EVER be on our faces. The effect of cold water to 'close' our pores is very short lived, practically a minute. It's way too harsh for the skin and unnecessary. Especially if you are toning your face after, there is nothing that can change the size of your pores and you can pull out all the dirt and junk from them doing mud masks. 

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

I use a lot of Benzoyl peroxide. I think I bought a thing of apple cider vinegar to use on my face a while ago but never used it. Hope it hasn't gone bad. I can try it. I have that mint julep mask. I like it. Only mask I have, any other good ones?? I have the most sensitive skin in the world. I Hate it. Many products burn or make me red and dry.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

I use pretty warm water on my face..uh oh. My roomate loves hot water so she turned our water heater up. We have no luke warm water really. As far as pets, they sleep with me and On or by my pillows so lots of cat hair. They don't lick my face but I kiss them a lot lol. I don't use any hair removal creams.

Jan 18, 2014

Danny C.

If your skins really irratated I'd switch up to a more gentle cleanser no scrubs it will just irritate it further. scrub w round beads are great for exfoliating but won't do much in terms of cleaning out your pores. clean and clear oil absorbing treatment is a great salycilc product you can put a thin layer over your whole face. the salicylic works to penatrate deep in the pore to clean it out. keep moisturizing using oil free/alcohol free products

Jan 18, 2014

Yolande P.

Benzoyl peroxide worked for my sister,cousins and friends but I hated it. I tried a dead seaweed mud mask can't remember what it is actually called now but it worked a charm. I honesty recommend cetaphil though that stuff is so gentle like gentle enough for baby skin,is affordable,is meant to contain no fragrance or soap and is deffiantly a holy grail skin product.

Jan 18, 2014

Katie H.

Oh and if you use a face mask, do you still cleanse and tone your face? I usually do but wondering if that's to many products or to harsh for my skin. And maybe that's contributing.

Jan 18, 2014

Laura J.

If you have dry/sensitive skin it's best not to use any products that will cause irritation & dry it out more, over drying your skin will cause more spots & most spot treatments work by drying the skin so it's best to avoid & change your diet & skin care routine. Obviously avoid touching your face as this spreads the spots (as hard as that is to do)... There is no quick fix unfortunately, just don't think that because spots are caused by trapped oil that drying your face out will stop them, keeping your face moisturised & free from dry skin will help a lot more and reduce your oil glands overproducing oil... If that makes sense. Drink more water too!! I've suffered from bad acne in the past & know how much it affects your confidence but you just have to be patient because they won't last forever 😃