Awkward question-sorry 😭😔😣


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Jan 13, 2014

Alexis M.

I really wasn't sure what category to put this in but I had to ask somebody!
This is so weird but I was just wondering if anybody had any experience with shaving their bikini area. Like the whole thing not just the inner thigh portion. I want to try because waxing is out of the question but I'm afraid of cutting myself. Any tips?

Jan 13, 2014

Bailee H.

Always go against the grain, and afterwards soothe the area with coconut oil (:

Jan 13, 2014

Shauna S.

Hello! The best thing to do is have a bath beforehand so that it softens the area and makes it a lot easier to shave. Also remember to never use a dull razor! I recommend getting a new razor blade and maybe shaving your legs a couple times with it first to slightly dull it down so it's not super super sharp. If you have never shaved their before I recommend trimming the hair first with scissors until you get the hair down to a reasonably short length. Then using your razor shave downwards following the direction of hair growth. If you shave against the grain it will cause more irritation (you can do this eventually when your skin becomes more used to shaving down there, but for starters you want to try to not irritate the the area as much). Also, if you're afraid of cutting your self, try sitting down in the bathtub and get a portable mirror that you can place in front of you so that you can see exactly what you're doing. I personally prefer using mens razors. To me they are sharper and the blades are closer together which causes less irritation. Check out the Gillette Fusion Razor. After shaving to avoid razor burn/bumps I personally love Bikini Zone Cream. It works amazinggg. You can also put on pure organic shea butter which is natural and won't irritate the skin. Hope this helped! (:

Jan 13, 2014

M G.

I do. just start small just shave around not all of it. than once you get some confidance do the whole thing or leave a patch (up to you). Your going to need put after shave or a bikini after shave spray, to prevent bumps and itchy. Also exfoliant before, so you don't get ingrow hairs. Start off slow and shave down or in the flow of the hair. And wait 2-3 days before shaving agin. umm I think thts it... any more question let me know.

Jan 13, 2014

M G.

Oh and men razor works better.

Jan 13, 2014

Kitty K.

Well, normally after I shave that lovely area I get itchy, ingrowns hairs, etc.and its really annoying. So what I've been doing that works 100% and is like my holy weapon because seriously, it is annoying to be itchy just cause you shaved lol.
Any walmart, or local store... usually by the shaving areas they have a line called 'Bikini Zone'
They have the gel to use when you shave, and they have a medicated after shave gel. And it's not pricey at all.
If the hairs are long enough you can use the hair removal cream, it doesn't hurt me at all. You leave it on for whatever time period and wipe it off. If it's stubble it won't work.
I just exfoliate the area ( makes it easier )
Apply the gel
Shave ( against the hairs )
Apply the gel as directed once I'm out the shower.
I have cut myself down there before in the MOST painful area you can think of, it did not hurt. I treated it right away. I've also heard from many others that have cut themselves down there that it didn't hurt either. I don't know if that depends on the person or if it's just because of how the skin is there or I don't know.
I don't get itchyness, redness, burning, or ingrown hairs like that, and I use the cheapest razor.

Jan 13, 2014

Kristie M.

I always get razor bumps and now I know what to get for it thanks

Jan 13, 2014

Amy M.

I recommend exfoliating very well before you shave. It gets all the hairs pulled as far out of the skin as they are going to go without pulling them out. Then when you shave it turns out smooth. I always use a men's Mach 3 razor as they are much sharper. I also use my Aveeno moisturizing body wash as a way to provide lubrication between the razor and my skin.
And just my opinion but I wouldn't go totally Brazilian (bald) at first. Leave a little strip up top until you get used to shaving there.

Jan 13, 2014

Jaclyn W.

I go downward then use baby lotion to calm it : ) and also use conditioner it helps smooth it

Jan 13, 2014

Stephanie S.

Deodorant helps with razor burn.
I have a question though how do you exfoliate that area?

Jan 13, 2014

Donilyn T.

Thats a good question^

Jan 13, 2014

Amy M.

Scrub with either a washcloth or very soft bath brush. I do NOT recommend a body puff. Those things harbor bacteria like crazy and are like little happy breeding grounds for way too many things I DO NOT want anywhere near my skin!

Jan 13, 2014

Stephanie S.

oh okay thanks (:

Jan 13, 2014

Shaily K.

I crush up Aspirin in water to make a paste, then add it to wherever I usually get razor burn/annoying bumps. It's an anti-inflammatory As well as an astringent so it really calms things down! With time your skin will get used to being shaved "there" and it won't get as irritated.
Hope this helps :)