How Often Is Too Often To Wash Your Hair?


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Jan 12, 2014

Lena C.

I wash mine ever day because it's gets greasy.

Jan 12, 2014

Yve G.

I wash my hair everyday to. I wish I didnt have to but when I don't my hair is way to greasy oily. Any ideas on how to tame/ train your hair to not need to wash it everyday.

Jan 12, 2014

Bonnie R.

Yvette the reason your hair is so greasy is that you're washing it too much. When you strip the natural oils buy washing everyday, your scalp produces excess oil. I wash mine every 2-3 days, and I use a dry shampoo when necessary between washes. If you cut back on the washing I think you'll see a big improvement in a few weeks.

Jan 13, 2014

Devin P.

I wash it every morning. I feel so gross if I don't. and when I skip a day its gets greasy mainly bc I'm always touching my hair.

Jan 13, 2014

Kenna W.

Agree with Bonnie. I wash mine maybe 3 times a week max, I have very fine hair, you have to find a good gentle shampoo that doesn't strip your oils to the point they over produce and soon you'll find your hair does not get greasy as quick because the pH has been restored essentially. I use a shampoo called Evo angel rinse which is perfect for me.