Pimple problem!! :How can I get rid of em?


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Jan 13, 2014

Niya G.

How can you get rid of pimples w/o buying anything??
:) I tried using toothpaste but it doesn't wirk for.me. ssooo... is there anything else I can try! I really need it fast because they keep on spreading. plzx help thnx :)

Jan 13, 2014

Diana S.

Honey always works for me(:

Jan 13, 2014

Niya G.

thnx :)

Jan 13, 2014

Jane D.

I get pimples too, just cleansing, toning and moisturising my fave morning and night helps:)

Jan 13, 2014

Karli G.

Everyone's skin is different but I tried tea tree oil for a while. Applied it to my pimples at night. Honestly, if anything, it broke me out more. Like I said though, everyone is different! But I wouldn't recommend it. I'm all for home remedies. In fact, my entire skincare routine is everyday products, give or take a few. Tea tree oil just didn't agree with my skin though. Apple cider vinegar cleared up my skin in about a week. I could never recommend that enough. Honey may work, as it has anti inflammatory properties. Toothpaste tends to dry out the skin, so I've never tried that. Has it worked for you in the past?

Jan 13, 2014

Chelsea V.

Apply some ice to the pimple or anything cold (like frozen peas packet) xx

Overall keep the area clean and try not to touch the face x