Tell Mee All About Tea Tree Oil.


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Jan 13, 2014

Anabel M.

So what can I use tea tree oil for? I know it's good for the skin.. But how do I apply it and what will it doo? 😁 Please && Thank you.

Jan 13, 2014

Kaleigh D.

You can apply small amounts onto problematic spots and if you have sensitive skin you can dilute it. It's great to apply to baths and face masks. Tea Tree Oil has anti bacterial properties similar to honey(:

Jan 13, 2014

Kaleigh D.

It also works as a really nice toner because it doesn't strip your skin of natural oils.

Jan 13, 2014

Austin L.

I believe massaging your scalp with tea tree oil stimulates hair growth as well.

Jan 13, 2014

Anabel M.

Cant wait to try! How long does it usually take to see results?

Jan 13, 2014

Ammara L.

I am using The Body Shop Tea Tree face wash now days. it is really good and leave my skin great. give it a try dear.

Jan 13, 2014

Anabel M.

Thank you all :D.

Jan 13, 2014

Kaleigh D.

They take somtimes only 1 day or so to see a bit of a result. Sometimes a bit longer but that's to be expected.

Jan 14, 2014

Tori G.

I dilute tea tree oil for my acne and use as a spot treatment I apply it at night and in the morning it's reduced and heals a lot quicker! It's also good for cold sores, sometimes you can take detox baths and add some Epsom salt baking soda tea tree oil and essential oil of your choice, and it really detoxes my skin, love it!

Jan 14, 2014

Nicole L.

I used to get quite some back acne, and the only thing that helped the scaring + pimples was using tea tree oil! I put about a half part of apple cider vinegar and the other half part of water in a spray bottle with a few drops of tea tree oil. Every time after I took a shower I sprayed this on my back, and even overnight I could see my acne slowly getting better!