Fading Acne Scars


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Jan 12, 2014

Sonya B.

My acne scarring an dark spots are so bad and it's gotten to the point where I don't like my skin at all, how can I fix my dark spots?? SOS help it's honestly a dilemma.

Jan 12, 2014

Lisa S.

I have started mixing vitamin e oil with my moisturizer and it has really helped even out my skin. It only took about 3 weeks and I had some bad pigmentation that I never thought would go away but it really has helped. On some of my darker spots I applied the oil right on the blemishes, but other than that I just mixed about two drops with my moisturizer. I bought my vitamin e at cvs (its called radiance I believe) but I'm sure any brand will work the same.

Jan 12, 2014

Lisa S.

The lemon juice method works but it broke my skin out and made it burn, and it never fully got rid of that dark pigmentation for my skin. I'm not saying its bad, but it just really irritated my skin.

Jan 12, 2014

Sonya B.

Thank you so much!! I'll be sure to try both of those!! that was a big help thank you (:

Jan 12, 2014

Sonya B.

Would the vitamin e oil make my skin uncontrollably oily considering I already have combo/oily skin?

Jan 12, 2014

Lisa S.

The vitamin e oil makes my dry skin look like its glowing, not oily just healthy. So since you have oily skin I would only try this method at night after you wash your face, and then wash off in the morning.

Jan 12, 2014

Shauna S.

Coconut oil has saved my life for fading scars. definitely buy some and use it twice a day.

Smart girls! I concur ladies! Rub lemon on and let sit for five or ten minutes each morning before you wash. Coconut Oil is the best for everything beauty (get the expeller pressed the kind that stays liquid even when it's cold, it's less greasy. Vitamin D isn't greasy feeling, it feels really good and I agree with Lisa it leaves your skin looking lovely. Good luck!:)

Jan 13, 2014

Lisa S.

I tried coconut oil for over a year and it did nothing for acne marks or moisturizing. Like I thought it was really doing wonders for my skin but it really didn't do anything so I switched to vitamin E oil and it has done so much more for my skin than the coconut oil ever did which really suprised me