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Jan 5, 2014

K R.

I really like tattoos and I was wondering what you girls think of sleeve tattoos on girls I like them but don't know... Opinions??

Jan 5, 2014

K R.

Considering getting one when I'm older that's why I'm asking btw

Jan 5, 2014

Laurie M.

I loooove tattoos too! :)
What kind of tattoos do you like?

Jan 5, 2014

Shannon B.

I don't mind them but I wouldn't recommend it. For jobs and careers, most people don't want to see them. So you would have to wear long sleeve shirts all the time when you are in work.

Jan 5, 2014

Shannon B.

If you want a tattoo I would get it somewhere where it isn't easy to see.
Other than that. I love tattoos :)

Jan 5, 2014

Kristy E.

I love them, I think only certin girls can pull them of tho! make sure the tattoos mean something to you not just stupid things, like make a story on your arm with tattoos... really think about it before you do it, there's no going back

Jan 5, 2014

K R.

Yeah I know I've got some ideas and I want a sleeve but don't think it would suit me :'(

Jan 5, 2014

K R.

These are some I want

Jan 5, 2014

Sara A.

I like the two in the bottom, those are really cute!

Jan 5, 2014

Madeline F.

I really don't think tats!! They can't be good for your body and remember they last forever!! Imagine on your wedding day and you've got a big tat showing, or (no offense) when you are old and your skin will get wrinkly and the tats still there... Yea that's just my opion... :) xx

Jan 7, 2014

Lara W.

Madeline, please tell me how good a wrinkly person with regrets of not getting one will look? And if you want a tat, you may want to consider if you want it showing, if not then maybe they shouldn't get it.