Dry Hair Help?


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Jan 5, 2014

Emily M.

So I've always kinda had dry hair! and it bugs me so much. any home remedies you recommend? I just got a trim, and other than yesterday I haven't used any heat in a year :)

Jan 5, 2014

Sally H.

Coconut oil

Jan 5, 2014

Emily G.

I totally agree with coconut oil , its very moisturizing not only to the hands but also skin! I would leave it in for about 20 minutes but be sure to rinse it out really well or it'll leave your hair looking really greasy ( and we don't want that) also this sounds gross but eggs and olive oil! Mix them together and leave it on for about 20 minutes as well and then rinse!! Both of these leave your hair shiny and moisturized.. Also prevents breakage (:

Jan 5, 2014

Emily M.

Thanks so much! I'll try that! I actually do have coconut oil. but I'm kind of confused, do you microwave it into a liquid, or apply it in the solid form?

Jan 5, 2014

Rama M.

Coconut oil or avocados. There is this famous youtuber she uses avocados on her hair it makes it healthier and shiny. Her name is Jlovesmac1