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Jan 11, 2014

Jazi J.


I'm still getting over a cold. To make matters worse I woke up with like 3 little cold sores.. Any suggestions to help get rid of them fast? I like using natural products mostly. Thanks ❤️

Jan 11, 2014

Yve G.

Soak a cotton ball with tea tree oil or try a vitamen called lysine and crush it make a little paste and put it on the blister it should help dry it up fast. feel better :)

Jan 11, 2014

Lisa S.

Aquphor works really well for me, I just use the little tubes I they think they come with three and they're called healing ointment or something. As far as natural honey works well. But I would just get some abreva chapstick

Jan 12, 2014

Amy M.

Blue light therapy works wonders for my daughter who gets cold sores. It has been scientifically proven to reduce the duration of an outbreak.
We use the Tanda. 