How to not look like a newbie. College.


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Jan 7, 2014

Ashley D.

I start college courses on the 22nd and I'm scared because I'm not only a.high school student but I'm a freshman. Even though.most people think I'm a senior. I want to not only act but dress like I know what I'm doing and that I'm not a newbie. And so people don't treat me different for being so young. Any clothing and/or attitude tips? Thank you.

Jan 7, 2014

Sarah L.

Wear something not too out there but not dull either yanno? Like a black pants with converse and a cute sweater yanno keep it simples but cute I also recommend no flashy colours maybe stick with burgundys or beiges I don't know.

Jan 7, 2014

Gia S.

I would say to stay away from graphic tees that make you look like a kid... You know, the ones that are really colorful and stand out. I think you should wear something basic, like a knit sweater, an infinity scarf, skinny jeans and some boots. It's really simple but also really cute.

Jan 7, 2014

Ashley D.

Thanks, that's actually my style. =)

Jan 7, 2014

Betsy N.

Like this

Jan 7, 2014

Betsy N.

But maybe the above with jeans. Or this.

Jan 7, 2014

Betsy N.

Maybe the second with a oversized cardigan. Wear your hair like in your profile pic since its gorgeous. As for attitude I would say just be you and well what I do when I am scared nervous etc. I just act like I know what I am doing and have a lot of confidence even tho I am shaking! Just be you and you will be fine.

Jan 7, 2014

Ashley D.

Thank you! =)

Jan 7, 2014

Alex M.

As a college student, we honestly don't care what other people wear. We don't care about appearances. We care that someone is mature. Unless you're going to a prestige college, I think you'll be fine just wearing whatever fits your personal style. Just stay positive, don't text during class, and take good notes. If you want to do extra awesome, personally introduce yourself to your professors at the end of every class or just say "Bye! Hope you have a good day!" Simple things like that show you're going to be a good student. Oh, and don't be like me and forget to bring a notebook and a pencil on the first day of class. lol.

Jan 7, 2014

Sabrina F.


Jan 7, 2014

Sabrina F.
