Please Help Me I'm Losing My Mind:(...And Hair..


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Jun 19, 2014

Sandra R.

Help me guys..I've notice that I'm losing way to much hair everyday, I don't even wanna touch or pass my fingers through my hair because I feel I'm going to take what's left of my hair:( what can I do? Do you guys take any vitamins or do you know why this happens;(?

Jun 19, 2014

Tamara W.

Hello Sandra. I would recommend that you see a dermatologist just to be on the safe side. if they may say that you are deficient in something. I don't want to recommend that you take any vitamins because I read that if you are not deficient then you can actually cause other issues to yourself. with my hair, it was actually coming out because I had been going from relaxed to natural. hope you find help soon

Jun 19, 2014

Kat A.

Set up a doctor appointment. there are a few things that could cause it, so your best bet is seeing your doctor.

Jun 19, 2014

Sandra R.

I'm scared guys:( I hate doctors:( please any masks,shampoos, conditioners?:( I'm really desperate:(

Jun 19, 2014

Kat A.

We can't really help because we don't know the severity or what's causing it. talk to your doctor. taking our advice when we don't know what's really going on could cause more harm then help.

Jun 19, 2014

Sandra R.

:( ty guys:( I wish I could know what's going on:( not even doctors can help me:(

Jun 19, 2014

Tamara W.

We aren't doctors and any recommendations we give are opinion only. I would much prefer facts and the doctors can offer that. don't be affraid.

Jun 19, 2014

Kat A.

But you haven't talked to your doctor? if anyone can help, it's a medical professional. good luck! I hope you make an appointment soon <3.

Jun 19, 2014

Meshaya J.

I do the hot oil treatment once a month to strengthen my hair, it also makes it shiny. all you have to do is get 100% Olive oil, post your hair into sections and glide the oil from roots to tips of your hair. there's no need to use a lot as long as it is in every section. after that just go under the hair dryer for 45-60 minutes. trust it works.

Jun 19, 2014

Meshaya J.

You can also buy cholesterol plus conditioner and leave it on my hair while I'm around the house doing chores and things for an hour, my preferred shampoo and conditioner is garnier fructis.

Jun 19, 2014

Sandra R.

Thank you all sooo much!! You guys are so supportive!!

Jun 19, 2014

Carol D.

You need to consult a doctore and thats rly important I dnt know. you might have defeciency in iron especially if you dnt eat meat or it could be omega.. proteins.. or due to the weather stress..your many other things but usualy your body also will be effected if the problem is only in the hair than there might be a problem of not taking a gd care of your hair I would drink water about 1.5 L around 8 glasses.. oil treatment..biotin.. minoxidil 2% it helps to prevent hair fall apply on the hair you can find it in the pharmcy..and other thing it could be genetic so hope you will get well soon :)

Jun 19, 2014

Erin M.

I would say go see a serm but her are a few things you can try that may help:
1. Lay off the heat for a few weeks.
2. Get a protein treatment. Apogee makes one that comes in little packets that's a two step process. Do both steps, follow up with a deep conditioner.
3. Trim your ends if you haven't in awhile. My hair was shedding like crazy but once I clipped my ends my hair was a-ok.
4. Switch to a gentler shampoo and conditioner.

Talk to a doctor before you start taking vitamins but you could also be suffering from vitamin deficiency depending on your eating habits and life style. But talk to a doctor and see what s/he says about that.

Jun 19, 2014

Anupa M.

I would highly suggest getting blood work done only because hair loss is a symptom of a lot of potentially serious diseases. It may not be anything but it's better to be safe than sorry; I'm hoping that its nothing and all you really need may be daily vitamins.

I would also suggest a hot oil treatment every other day (it also depends on how often you wash your hair).
Oils that are great to reduce hair fall:
Amla oil (found at your local south asian food store): this is the best oil for your hair and will help reduce hair fall with continued use.
Coconut oil: Its moisturizing and cleansing
Neem oil (again Indian store)
Safflower oil.

Oils you should avoid:
Mineral oil: It will add to the damage and further aggregate the hair fall
Castor oil: Although this is good for people with dandruff, castor isn't a safe option for your hair because it can be harsh and can dry out your hair (you can use it if you mix it with any of the oils mentioned in the first set)
Olive/Argan/soy oils: These are sealant oils and will inhibit your hair from recovering, instead it will create a layer on your scalp and will prevent your scalp skin from clearing out and recovering (sometimes hair fall can be caused by fungal or dirt build up in the hair follicles)

I hope this helped :)

Jun 19, 2014

Sandra R.

Th guys! I been so stressed out and suffer from depression and hopefully it's the cause of my hair falling out...I'll make an appointment ty!

Jun 20, 2014

Kendra H.

1. Are you on any medication? I was on some serious meds for a pretty long time for a nerve problem. It was so strong that after a few weeks my hair started to fall out. I lost almost all of my hair and for a while people actually thought I was a cancer patient because the symptoms were so similar. So, if your on any new meds you should talk to your doctor about how to help that because it's probably a side effect.

2. If NOT on meds... STOP using heat. Until you figure out what's going on heat is going to damage your hair further. Also, for the next 6 months after you get your hair healthy again do not dye it. Just stay away from anything damaging. Use some deep conditioner or any kind of oil used for damaged or breaking hair. When I was losing my hair I invested in the garnier nutris (I think that's how you spell it) shampoo in the green bottle that's meant to stop hair from falling out

3. Please consult a doctor before taking any vitamins or hair supplements! Too much of one vitamin could be a bad thing and if you don't know what's causing you hair to fall you could give yourself bigger health problems!

Hope any of this helped! :)