Hair Help Needed please.


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Jun 18, 2014

Arianna H.

It's definitely time to cover my roots buuuut I think I want to change my hair up. What hair cut & hair color should I get? This is my hair as of right now.

Jun 18, 2014

Arianna H.

I have highlights rn.

Jun 18, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

I like it how it is to be honest! maybe more of a v cut in the back :)

Jun 18, 2014

Arianna H.

Here is another picture of when its styled

Jun 18, 2014

Bella B.

I love it now! I agree with Kaitlyn C though!

Jun 18, 2014

Arianna H.

Thank you all!:)

Jun 19, 2014

Alma M.

Hi Arianna,just a quick FYI on what's expected here on Beautylish when it comes to proper placement of threads here it's important.For example your HAIR thread should actually be in the HAIR section and not in Beauty this prevents other threads from getting pushed down that are in the correct category and need help.I also want to let you know that when threads are in the wrong category they are subject for deletion and if continue to not follow the rules it comes down to your own page getting banned from Beautylish.We like to see the flow of threads run smoothly and seen by anyone that shares the same interest please understand.I shall move your thread to the correct category for you only at this time so please keep this in mind for future reference and note it as I don't have to let people know or warn but I think it's best to let all of you know so you can understand what's expected here,I'll also post the Forum Rules for you for a better understanding.Have a great day :)

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