No one answered :( posting again ,help!


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Jul 7, 2014

Maan K.

Here is the question (see pic)

Jul 7, 2014

Umaima M.

My story... I can understand girl...

Jul 7, 2014

Bry R.

Some people just have worse acne than others. Most people grow out of it eventually. I'm not sure what to say though.

Jul 7, 2014

Alma M.

What was the title of your last thread?

Jul 7, 2014

Sarah L.

I'd say since its summer you could just lay off the makeup for a while. don't wear foundation or concealer. drink loads if water try putting tree tea on your pimples to dry them out. moisturize daily. exfoliate weekly and use a daily face wash twice a day. I use warm/hot water to open my pores use my face wash, wash it off with warm water and then use really cold water to close my pores. try using ice cubes on the pimples to reduce the swelling.

Jul 7, 2014

Sarah L.

Go to a dermatologist and I hope it gets better.

Jul 7, 2014

Alyx T.

Everybody is different, so their skin reacts differently. Some people are blessed with no acne. But eating healthy, drinking lots of water, exorcise, etc. will help keep your whole body healthy and help your skin.
But a good Skincare routine is a must, make sure you cleanse, tone and moisturize at least once a day, twice if your skin can handle it. I would go to a dermatologist if you can.
It might also be hormonal acne depending on how old you are. Unfortunately not a lot can be done about hormonal acne. You could go to the doctor and try going on birth control, that helped with my acne but it's a little controversial.

Jul 7, 2014

Salmaa A.

This is an example of the unfairness in life! like friends that eat like pigs but gain no weight... its the cards we're dealt! <\3 regardless though eating junk food will never be any good, so just stick to eating healthily and drinking loads of water. not just to avoid acne but just to take care of yourself first and foremost!

Jul 7, 2014

Maan K.

I am 23, is it possible that it could be hormonal acne? I thought I am too old for hormonal changes :/

Jul 7, 2014

Maan K.

@alma ,it was ,back with my same old question :( acne! Lol.

Jul 7, 2014

Cydney E.

Look at it as a good thing! like salmaa said, eating junk food will never be good. the acne is your body's way of reminding you of that. if that's what junk food does to your face, just think of what it's doing to the rest of your body! stick to your healthy diet and hopefully your friends will follow your good example.

Jul 7, 2014

Brittany M.

Food has nothing to do with pimples, everyone gets them it might just be a case of them being able to cover them up better or they just haven't got them yet. There videos on here which say how and there's creams which you can get. Personally I use concealer and foundation to cover mine up(I'm allergic to the creams)

Jul 7, 2014

Alma M.

Jenna,a quick FYI of what is expected here on Beautylish :) I must inform you that REposting a thread is not necessary in fact if you Repost threads they are subject for deletion and if continue NOT to follow Beautylish forum rules it could cause your account for deletion as well..We inform all to please post in the correct categories and Don't REPOST so it keeps the flow of threads running smoothly and prevents from pushing other threads in the correct section or Question's from getting buried or lost and NOT seen.Please respect everyone in this community and have patience when you post a thread everything comes into play like different time zones,Work,people pushing threads down because of Repost and such.Please get familiar with the forum rules Thank you.
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