Help!! My eyes won't stop burning and watering!!


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Jul 7, 2014

Reese S.

Hey guys! I need your help ASAP. I am going to the pool with some friends and I was putting on sunscreen on my face and it got in my eye! It won't stop watering or burning even after you flushed it out with water and put eye irritation drops in. I can't even see out if my eye right now hahaha so please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes. Thanks again.

Jul 7, 2014

Kendra H.

Read the back if the sunscreen and it should tell you what to do if your eyes keep irritating. If you did that, which it sounds like you did, flush your eyes again and refresh the eye drops. If it continues to burn in another hour or so I would call a doctor and see if they can check it out.

Jul 7, 2014

Isabel M.

Just wait. Rince and wait.