Going " no poo'" with my hair Q's.


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Jun 17, 2014

Lilly D.

I want to start going no poo', which is not using shampoo. I've heard that this really keeps the hair at its healthiest and make sit grow better. I just want to know the actual process any help would be appreciated!

Jun 17, 2014

Maressa H.

Following this thread!

Jun 17, 2014

Symone B.

It's just co-washing. Washing your hair with conditioner only. I do this with all my extensions to prolong the life of them. It does make your hair appear healthier since there's no shampoo involved to strip it. Conditioner just coats the hair shaft to make it appear healthier and shinier. I do advise that you shampoo 1-2x every month to give your scalp a good cleaning and reduce build up

Jun 17, 2014

Kitty K.

What questions do you have in particular? I have been doing this method for about 3-4 years. As far as the no poo method is concerned...

Majority, if not all conditioners contain mild cleansing agents. So a cleansing conditioner just contains harsher stripping agents compared to a regular conditioner. However, not as harsh or nourishing as shampoo. A cleansing conditioner is more ideal for someone who sweats a lot or uses products on their hair in order to help with build up.

My hair is a lot more shinier... Healthier... And a whole lot longer. However, all products coat the hair to make it appear shiny, healthy etc. Whether its conditioner or a serum.

I wash my hair everyday, so this is ideal for me.

I've had no issues when I transitioned into this method. I will continue to use this method since its the best for my hair type.
I have tried all sorts of conditioners.. From Suave.. Pantene... Organix.. Nexxus.. Garnier Fructis... L'oreal.. Sulfate free lines ( Conditioners don't contains harmful sulfate a by the way. Sulfate is marketing hype..) and my favorite still continues to be the Tresmee Naturals line. It is free of Silicone and contains a nice amount if Avocado Oil and Aloe Vera.. Leaves your hair really soft and one of my favorites.

Jun 18, 2014

Lisbeth L.

You can also use a shampoo bar. it doesn't have SLS and other chemicals. I currently use a coconut and argan oil shampoo bar and then I follow with a ACV hair rinse.

Jun 18, 2014

Marae M.

Will this make your hair oily only washing with conditioner??

Jun 18, 2014

Marybeth M.

I'm only using conditioner to wash my hair at the moment n it's doesn't feel dry as to where I'd use shampoo.

Jun 18, 2014

Krystal P.

I do this method it doesn't make my hair oily ever and my hair used to be extremely nappy (I'm Puerto Rican, spaniard, and Russian) and now after doing the no poo for about 6 months my hair is no longer nappy it's very soft and feels healthy.

Jun 19, 2014

Suzy M.

Thinking of doing this! Sounds brilliant.