Blackheads Help Please


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Jun 18, 2014

Jorie C.

How to get rid of black heads on nose.

Jun 18, 2014

Kat A.

Pore strips, charcoal scrub, garnier blackhead eliminator (just got it, only used it once so far but my skin felt like a baby's butt afterwards!)

Jun 18, 2014

Jorie C.

Thank you. do you know any home remedies

Jun 18, 2014

Kaitlin M.

I use a baking soda and milk scrub on my skin once a month after steaming my face for a couple minutes. The milk helps to dissolve the baking soda so it's not harsh on your skin. The baking soda will clarify your pores while the milk moisturizes and adds fatty acids to your skin. Rinse off with cool water and moisturize :)

Jun 18, 2014

Lisa S.

Baking soda works...however, it is not good to use on your face because the ph levels aren't for the face and it has alkaline in it. I honestly don't recommend any home remedies but I do recommend mask (Queen Helene's Mint Julep or Freemans Charcoal Mask) and try steaming your face to help open your pores to get a good cleansing and to help extract them.

Jun 18, 2014

Bella L.

I like to use the biore strips for blavkheads it like a tape strip that goes on your nose and helps with balckheads

Jun 20, 2014

Olivia K.

^^^^^^^^^^ Witch Hazel is the bomb and the Biore black head strips!