Indian prom nerves


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Jun 17, 2014

Haleema K.

Hi my best friend prom is coming up next week she is indian so has to wear traditional clothes but is extremely nervous she thinks her prom dress is over the top and is panicking so asked be to post her dress on beautylish she wants your opinions please be truthful.

Jun 17, 2014

Haleema K.

Another pic

Jun 17, 2014

T D.

I think it's beautiful!

Jun 17, 2014

Haleema K.

She thinks it's to sparkly and that she will look over the top.

Jun 17, 2014

Lauren T.

It looks gorgeous! I think it's fine to wear. :)

Jun 17, 2014

Alice A.

Its beautiful and not to much at all xx

Jun 17, 2014

Ciciii C.

It Look's Real Pretty To Be An Indian Dress.

Jun 17, 2014

Shrishma D.

Umm ciera... I think I did not get your comment :)
do you mean the dress is too pretty to be an indian dress?

Jun 17, 2014

Kristina C.

I think it's rele pretty and I like that it's so different from the normal prom dress makes it even more pretty

Jun 17, 2014

Aurora S.

I LOVE it. I've always loved Indian clothing, I think it'd look really cute with a matha patti

Jun 17, 2014

Tamara W.

Love it. especially rhw second pic. will her head BW covered? she should maybe wear loose curls.

Jun 17, 2014

Haleema K.

She's going to have her hear out and curled.

Jun 17, 2014

Haleema K.

I mean hair

Jun 18, 2014

Yaya B.

Its pretty but isn't red sari"s for like wedding.

Jun 18, 2014

Ciciii C.

No I Mean Itt Looks Pretty For A Prom Dresses. I'm Not With The Indian Culture So I Didnt Think They Had Indian Gowns For Prom. Its unique

Jun 18, 2014

Shrishma D.

Yeah am sorry I did not get your comment :)
we do not have prom dresses per se. this is more like a dress for any other indian ceremony but it goes with the prom mood. sorry again :)

Jun 18, 2014

Ashley G.

Omg I love it! I wore sari to my graduation and it felt amazing. I think her salwar looks freaking gorgeous! I am so jealous.

Jun 18, 2014

Ciciii C.

That Makes Sense. But Thank You For Explaing It For Me.

Jun 20, 2014

Emily W.

If anything, prom is the occasion to be as sparkly as possible! I think it is gorgeous and very classy! Much nicer than the short, skin-baring monstrosities that my classmates wore to our prom.

I'm sure your friend will look absolutely lovely. :)