I Need Eyebrow Help!!


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Jul 12, 2014

Paige D.

I've never had thick, full eyebrows and so I fill them in! I can't stand doing that anymore and I just want natural, thick, full eyebrows without having to worry about being embarrassed about how thin they are. I will pretty much do/ buy anything just to have my ideal eyebrow thickness! Please help, I'm in desperate need!!

Jul 12, 2014

Ileene M.

You just have to let them grow out like all out then get them professionally reshaped to the shape you want but it takes time mine took a couple months to grow out. it'll be hard and tempting to keep plucking/waxing but its worth it, patience  :)

Jul 12, 2014

Paige D.

Well actually I've been growing them out for about 2-3 months now and they still aren't full! They are very sparse! I thought about using the nutra luxe eyebrow enhancer! Has anyone used it?

Jul 12, 2014

Carys B.

Before you go to bed slap a load of Vaseline on them

Jul 12, 2014

Paige D.

I'm going to do that! Thanks :)

Jul 12, 2014

Nikki D.

I wouldn't use Vaseline. It doesn't make your eyelashes/eyebrows grow, and if it happens to get in your eye I've heard that you can get an infection from it. Aside from that, I've tried it and it doesn't work. My eyebrows are naturally sparse too, the only thing I can think of is to research some sort of eyebrow enhancer and try it, or even eyebrows transplants?? I remember seeing a editorial on beautylish for that, and apparently it's not as extreme as it sounds.

Jul 12, 2014

Brooke B.

Nikki D. is so right about the vaseline ^!

Jul 13, 2014

Vallerie B.

Try minoxidil extra strength on them. It worked for me.

Jul 14, 2014

Elizabeth S.

I have the same issue. my eyebrows are naturally sparse and are very light. if you want full eyebrows you could think about investing in eyebrow hair implants! there's an article about it on here.